Hey Seth Macfarlane: Rape Jokes Aren't Funny

Feb 03, 2010 20:04

Yet another reason to avoid Family Guy. From Feministing:

Hey Seth Macfarlane: Rape Jokes Aren't Funny

I had stopped watching Family Guy a while ago because it felt like there was some sort of "joke" about rape or violence against women in every episode. But recently I thought I would give the show another shot, because I used to find it hilarious. I really wish I hadn't.

(Some folks may not want to watch the video clip; it's actually pretty upsetting.)

Announcer: Gentleman, Give an indifferent east coast welcome to our newest bullrider, Peter the Kid!

(Peter rides bull, gets bucked off shortly after.)

Bull: You know what I am back at the ranch? I'm a breeding bull.

Peter: Wha...wha...what's that?

Bull: You gonna find out.

Peter: (Gasps)

Bull: Where you going fatty? We're gonna have a party.

Peter: No! No!

(Peter fights as the bull pulls his pants off)

I just don't get it, truly. How is this funny? Are we supposed to suspend disbelief and forget that this how rape happens quite fucking often because it's a cartoon bull doing the raping?

I've written this before, but I think it bears repeating - there isn't anything edgy about rape jokes. Rape jokes and mocking violence are mainstream; that shit is the norm. And while Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane has never given a real answer as to why the show has so many rape jokes, I imagine it's because he and the show's other writers somehow think it's controversial. But all they're doing is upholding the status quo. That, and ensuring that I'll never watch another episode of Family Guy again.

Related: What's so funny about rape?

Posted by Jessica - February 03, 2010, at 10:11AM | in Humor, Masculinity, Sexual Assault, Television, Violence Against Women

Longtime loyal readers of the this blog (all... both of you?) may remember my irritation about Family Guy but this is really what bothers me most of all. The early anti-feminist sentiment early on (Peter is forced to go to a sensitivity camp and comes back "feminized" and Seth Macfarlane makes his typical heavy-handed political statement against feminism).

And for anyone ready to wibble the stereotype about how feminists have no sense of humor, notice how Valenti is directing that it's violence against women that isn't funny or "edgy" as Macfarlane is portraying it (remember the quote by George Carlin: "If you think rape isn't funny, imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd."). She accurately points out in the linked article that "edginess" (or what's perceived to be edgy) is too frequently the last resort of woefully unfunny comedians (Dane Cook) who can then wail about how people just can't handle their "edgy" messages when they're then panned (sort of like Geoffrey Jellineck wailing that his unpopular art is being "censored" rather than admit he has no talent).

Also, I hate that this fuels assholes like Howard Stern who want to be passed off as the next Lenny Bruce or George Carlin or Richard Pryor who challenged status quo against racism and racist attitudes (and Carlin against homophobia).

And the fact Macfarlane is all too frequently smugly hammering home his own personal political beliefs (as well as frequent hypocrisy: he'll portray some ugly and frankly outdated gay stereotypes and follow up with a half-assed message of very basic tolerance) only adds to the fact that this is fucked up and wrong.

kyriarchy smash!, on-notice-board, upon my merry soapbox, and now a video montage

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