I'm aware that Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is an almost farcically sexist story (times or no) despite being written by a woman (history's forgotten pioneer, Anita Loos) and the movie version manages to be even more... squirm-worthy, but goddamn if the song-and-dance numbers are glorious.
Someday, when I have my own cabaret, I'm going to find someone to perform this with me. The choreography in this film manages to be fairly simple but excellent: I'm not sure why it stands out to me. I contrast this to a film whose choreography was complex but intensely disappointing, the 2002 version of Chicago (which I still enjoyed). Maybe because I heard the score on that before I saw the movie?
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As for this, provided you ignore the lyrics, it's still amazing. I knew the exact choreography by heart by the time I was thirteen (I remember as a wee tot my mother grousing over Madonna's "homage" in "Material Girl"). I still could probably feign a pretty close imitation, complete with lip sync.
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When I was 15 (and had for the first time developed a figure that came anything close to Monroe) I found a pattern for this dress (a very poor one, I might add) and a suitable Marilyn wig. Thankfully I had the good sense not to pursue it, since the only place I would've worn it would've been to (yikes) school.
Say what you will about Monroe, but she had presence.