DBSK: even if logic and theories cannot explain

Aug 08, 2009 14:36

Title: even if logic and theories cannot explain
Fandom: DBSK
Characters/Pairings: Changmin, Yoomin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1400
Summary: university!AU. In which Changmin walks into people on his first day.
Notes: I seem to cycle through pairings when I write DBSK fics so, first Yoochun/Changmin. :">

new country, new university. new books and new people and new buildings that send his heart jumping into his throat. changmin can't decide if he loves or hates this, because new york's bright and bustling and he's finally made it but everything is so distinctly new york. which makes it not-seoul and not-home.

first day of class means trying to find the right building and classroom without getting lost. he walks around the student union building twice before realizing that he's going in circles and not heading in the direction of biology like he'd been hoping. it's as he's trying to figure out if he's supposed to turn left or right from here (because the stupid map doesn't even show this intersection) that he crashes into someone. hard.

"my god, I'm so sorry -" he starts, and then realizes it had come out in korean instead of english. cursing himself internally, he opens his mouth -

except the other has already picked himself up, brushing off his clothing. changmin hurriedly bends down to help him gather the scattered books. music theory, composition, music history. "I'm so sorry," changmin says again, this time in the right language, and pretends he's not slowly turning red.


"don't worry about it," the other boy replies, in korean. then smiles. "park yoochun," he says simply, right hand held out and laughter hidden in the sweep of his cheekbones.

changmin stares at him until yoochun coughs a little, at which point he turns even redder and finally reaches out to grab the offered hand. "shim changmin," he replies, stuttering a little, and pretends that the tightening grip doesn't send his heart skipping.

this is how they start.


yoochun is two years older than changmin, it turns out, but the age gap is hardly relevant (especially when yoochun acts like he's ten, as changmin likes to tell him) and they become fast friends. they hang out after classes and crash at each other's apartments to play video games or listen to music. yoochun's apparently looking for a new roommate, and one day, as changmin's complaining about how much his on-campus dorm is costing him, yoochun cuts him off and says, move in with me.

and so changmin does.

it's a mystery how they work together. yoochun is nothing like changmin - he's a dreamer, doing things on the whim and hopeful of making it big some day. changmin grounds himself in logic, in science and theories and proofs. while changmin stays up late putting the finishing touches to those lab reports on pcr techniques and the cytoskeleton of skeletal muscles, yoochun is the insomniac, awake until three in the morning composing music and smoking cigarettes on the balcony.

sometimes, it worries changmin a little, how different they are and how they don't see eye-to-eye on so many things, but then yoochun would smile, eyes crinkling as he reaches forward to poke changmin in the side, and it was really as simple as that.


end of the midterm period means party at yoochun's friend's apartment. the base of the music seems to physically shake the room they're in, and changmin vaguely wonders how the neighbours aren't complaining when yoochun throws an arm around his shoulder and pulls him off in the direction of the couches.

"minnie, the room is starting to spin!" yoochun complains into his shirt.

changmin feels the laughter bubbling up in his throat. "my god, hyung, you're going to hate yourself tomorrow morning."

yoochun mumbles something incoherent and buries his face into changmin's shoulder and changmin can't suppress his grin.

when yoochun kisses changmin, he's completely drunk. changmin goes still under yoochun's grip on his shirt, heart thundering with the beat of the music. he sits motionless for a second, is this really happening; tentatively leans forward - and then yoochun stops, whispers shit under his breath, and looks at changmin with horrified eyes.

the wide-eyed panic on yoochun's face freezes changmin in his steps.

"changmin, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

changmin pushes him away and flees.


it's surprisingly easy to avoid yoochun, possibly because yoochun is avoiding him too. changmin has early classes that have him rushing out the door at eight AM while yoochun usually sleeps in, not starting until the afternoon. the other boy has taken to staying out late too, not getting home until changmin's locked up in his room doing homework on weekdays and far past midnight on weekends. (changmin knows this because he'd stayed up one saturday, waiting to see when yoochun would get home. he'd fallen asleep waiting at three in the morning.)

two weeks in, changmin unlocks the door to find an oddly familiar-looking stranger sitting in the middle of the living room.

before he can ask what the hell is going on, the other is striding over. "kim jaejoong, yoochun's best friend," he says, voice soft but steady. "we met at the party the other day."

right, that one.

"yoochun's not home right now," changmin tells him flatly. "he probably won't be back until midnight at least, so if you want to see him you're going to have to wait."

"I'm here to see you," jaejoong says, and ignores the way changmin blinks at him, thrown off-guard. "I know things have been strained between you two for a while, and I know yoochun's been really upset. if you could just give him a chance -"

changmin snorts at the very idea - remembers the way yoochun had pulled back. "I think you're under the false assumption that he actually wants another chance." his laugh is more self-deprecating than he'd intended.

jaejoong's eyes soften. "changmin, I've known yoochun since we were in grade school. just trust me on this, please. promise you'll talk to him at least."

changmin looks at jaejoong for a long minute, and maybe it's the earnestness in jaejoong's expression, or the sudden unwanted realization that he actually misses yoochun - misses hanging out with him during their free time and watching korean dramas together (and pretending they're not crying) and even getting teased about being such a perfectionist. whatever it is, it hits him like a fist in the stomach. changmin exhales loudly, letting the breath rush out of his lungs with a whoosh and suddenly feeling incredibly tired.

"fine," he relents, and watches the smile bloom on jaejoong's face.


in the end, changmin doesn't really have to say anything at all.

"I think we need to talk," he tells yoochun the next time he sees him, and yoochun just crumbles like sand sculptures under a tidal wave, explanations and I'm sorrys and I thought I'd scared you off tumbling from his lips as changmin directs them towards the couch.

ten minutes later, he comes to the horrifying realization that yoochun's eyes are wet.

"don't cry," changmin manages to say, and watches helplessly as yoochun shakes even harder. cautiously, he wraps his arms around thin shoulder blades and sighs when yoochun leans into him, all sharp angles and muffled sniffling. "you're hopeless, you know that?"

yoochun gives him a watery smile in response, and changmin thinks to himself, we're going to be okay.


december hits them with a flood of reports and papers and final exams - and afterward, it's another term gone by. jaejoong has his usual end-of-exams party. changmin politely declines his invitation, and yoochun follows suit with a rueful smile. they spend the day playing video games instead, changmin making sure to mercilessly beat yoochun every time.

christmas morning greets them with powdery white snow. they go out after breakfast bundled up in winter jackets and scarves because yoochun insists on taking a walk. halfway down their block, changmin impulsively leans down and grabs a fistful of snow, packing it in with his palms before aiming at the back of yoochun's head.

"hey," yoochun exclaims loudly, his indignation so comical that changmin bursts out laughing. "I'm going to get you for that, don't think I won't!"

"catch me if you can, old man," changmin retorts, hiding a smile and turning to run in the opposite direction.

"yah, who are you calling old!" the other gives chase, any attempt to look mad ruined by his grin.

their laughter rings out behind them, clear and crisp in the winter air.

fic started: August 05, 2009
fic finished: August 08, 2009

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au: uni, dbsk: changmin pov, dbsk: yoomin, !fandom: dbsk, category: slash

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