Super Junior: heartbeats and rollercoaster rides

Jul 01, 2009 18:15

Title: heartbeats and rollercoaster rides
Author: papered
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters/Pairings: Kibum, Kihae
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1727
Summary: office!AU. In which Kibum gets assigned to training the newest employee, and things don't go quite as he anticipates.
Notes: most cliched thing ever, hi. ): basically, this is all mei's fault. she blackmailed it out of me. ): (also, this means you have to update with chapter ten now. !!! >:/)

In hindsight, Kibum blames it on Siwon. But then again, the only reason Siwon had needed his help at all had been because of Heechul, and so at the end of the day, it was really all Heechul's fault. (Big surprise there.)


Technically, training new workers is Siwon's job. He's the only one with the patience and temperament for it. Kibum's part of senior management - he's the one managing the managers, and if he's perfectly honest, he has far better things to do than deal with stuttering pale-faced newcomers. He's not being paid triple the average employee salary to spend his time on training, after all, and it's not like he's exactly a people person. There's a reason he'd ended up in management and not public relations.

But when Siwon comes up to him and asks if he could help out with the newest worker please, because Heechul's been showing up a lot and disturbing the other employees and generally taking up a lot of time, Kibum agrees, because he's fully aware of what a handful the boss' son can be. Besides, Siwon's a good friend and one of the few people whose logic and judgment Kibum has no problems trusting. Siwon isn't the type to ask for anything unreasonable, and so Kibum agrees without putting in too much thought.

And so Lee Donghae shows up in his office the next morning.


By the end of the day, Kibum has come to two conclusions.

One, Donghae is attractive to the point of being distracting. Two, Donghae is also the singularly most annoying person Kibum has ever had the displeasure of meeting.

The first proves to be a bit of a problem. Kibum's hardly the impulsive type lacking in self-control, but he quickly discovers that it's kind of difficult to keep his eyes off Donghae. Donghae is just that kind of person - bright and laughing and sort-of headache-inducing.

The second is equally hard to ignore. Okay, so maybe Donghae does his work fairly efficiently, but only while asking an incessant number of seemingly unrelated and highly personal questions. Kibum is fairly certain where he lives has nothing to do with how to categorize a spreadsheet correctly, but then again, Donghae's mind doesn't seem to work in earth-logic most of the time.

It all makes life kind of stressful for Kibum. (It also makes him wonder if maybe, it's time for Siwon to do a review course on hiring new employees.)


Second Friday of every month is office social interaction day for Siwon's floor. This is translation for everyone getting together after work in the bar in the basement of the office building and getting completely flaming drunk. Unsurprisingly, Heechul had been the one to propose this idea, and because it was Heechul, no one had been able to talk him out of it.

Kibum doesn't even work anywhere near Siwon - he's way up on the twenty-fourth floor with the vice president and the rest of senior management - but unfortunately, Heechul had taken a liking to him and insisted on dragging him to every one of these drunken parties.

Also unfortunately for Kibum, Donghae technically worked under Siwon and not under him. This meant that it was perfectly within his right to attend.

Donghae on a regular day equated to Donghae bouncing off the walls and hanging off every person in sight (usually Kibum). Unsurprisingly, a drunk Donghae was even worse.

"Kibummie~" he exclaimed in delight upon seeing Kibum (who was still perfectly sober, thank you very much).

"How much did you have to drink?" Kibum asked, the arm he had around Donghae's waist the only thing that was keeping the other from tipping over.

"Two glasses," Donghae singsonged. "Oh look, Kibummie! The floor's spinning." He bent over to examine said floor, pulling Kibum with him.

"What the fuck, your boyfriend can't hold his alcohol," Heechul told Kibum as he passed by, rolling his eyes and glass of red wine held expertly between three fingers. Siwon trailed after him worriedly, shooting Kibum a helpless look.

Kibum calmly chose to ignore Heechul's comment and let Donghae pull him towards the dance floor.


Two hours and three more glasses of alcohol later (for Donghae, that is; Kibum had stopped drinking at these gatherings as soon as it became apparent months back that he always ended up having to cart drunken people back home), Donghae turned and shot him a mournful expression.


"Kibummie, I feel kind of sick," he said, before promptly throwing up all over Kibum's shoes.

"... okay, you know what, go clean yourself up. And then I'm taking you home," Kibum said decisively, standing up and rubbing at the bridge of his nose. He really didn't get paid enough for this.


The drive to Donghae's apartment took twenty minutes. Donghae was unusually quiet for most of the trip, and Kibum would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little worried. When he finally pulled into the single empty parking space and changed into the spare pair of shoes he kept for emergencies like this though, he found Donghae already out of the car and standing right behind him.

"What -"

Donghae just looked at him, head tilted and standing far too close for comfort - Kibum could almost count his individual lashes, even in the dark. He was smiling a little, the streetlamps casting a shadow across his face, but his eyes were dark and strangely aware for someone drunk out of their mind.

Kibum felt something twist in the pit of his stomach, and resisted the urge to do something he would regret. He's drunk, you're not allowed to take advantage of him.

Donghae leaned forward further, close enough so that Kibum could practically taste the alcohol on his breath. His bangs fell into his eyes, and fuck, why was he so goddamn attractive.

"Kibummie, I really like you," he said, as if he could read Kibum's mind.

Fuck this, Kibum thinks, before leaning in and kissing Donghae.

The ride up to Donghae's floor is some new form of torture. They make out in the elevator, Donghae's back pressed into the cold metal walls. Kibum thrusts a thigh between his legs to stop him from moving, and Donghae freezes for a second from the contact before he moans into Kibum's mouth, low and husky.

When the door opens on the eighth floor, Kibum pulls away, trying to catch his breath. He can imagine what a sight they must make. Donghae's tie had been discarded on the elevator floor somewhere between the second and fourth floor, and the top three buttons of his dress shirt is open suggestively. He smiles lazily at Kibum, lips kissed swollen and hair a complete mess. Kibum feels his breath hitch involuntarily.

Donghae pulls him out of the elevator before leaning up for another kiss, pulling Kibum flush against him and ignoring the fact that anyone could walk by any minute.

"Someone might see," Kibum says against his lips, heart beating out a staccato against Donghae's chest.

"I don't care," Donghae tells him, and there's an edge to his smile that Kibum has never seen before.

They stumble into Donghae's apartment still locked at the lips, kicking things out of the way and not bothering to turn the lights on. Kibum swears loudly when Donghae trips over the coffee table and stumbles onto the couch, but all Donghae does is laugh and pull Kibum on top of him.

Donghae's hand is still resting on Kibum's hip, real and heavy, and now he moves it down a little, lower. Kibum shudders involuntarily into it, canting his hips forward and barely biting back whatever embarrassing sound he'd been about to make. "Clothing, off," he manages to gasp out, and it comes out more like a plea than he'd intended.

Donghae smiles, sultry and all teeth, and promptly pulls off both their shirts before attacking Kibum's pants.

Sex with Donghae is like a rollercoaster ride. Kibum comes embarrassingly fast.


"I'm not easy," is the first thing Donghae mumbles the next morning.

"Ngh, what," Kibum says, because it's only six o'clock or something and it's not like he'd gotten a lot of sleep last night, all because of a certain someone who's keeping him awake right now. Also, he has a throbbing backache, thanks to having fallen asleep on the lumpiest couch in the world.

">:/, I'm not," Donghae insists earnestly, sitting up quickly before wincing. "Ow, my head hurts. But Kibummie, I'm not, okay? I don't fall into bed with people. Just so you know. I just. Really like you, and think you're really hot, and it's not my fault you have arms of se-"

Rolling over, Kibum sighed, pulling Donghae back onto the much-too-small-for-two-people couch and cutting him off. "Donghae. Donghae, just go back to sleep, okay."

Donghae was silent for a second, contemplating, before he relaxed (apparently satisfied) and nodded into Kibum's collarbone.


Heechul calls bright and early at eight o'clock.

"So, get any last night?" he asks, tone far too smug for someone who should be getting the worst hangover of his life right now.

"Fuck you, hyung," Kibum says, then hangs up on him.


Kibum trains Donghae for a month before sending him back to Siwon. The typical training time for new employees is a week and a half, but hey, it's not Kibum's fault that Donghae's easily distracted and that they spend more time on other activities than actual training, right? It's not like Kibum's purposefully keeping him around for longer or anything.

Two days later, Kibum changes his office location. It makes no sense to take so long getting up to the twenty-fourth floor every morning when there's an unoccupied office on Siwon's floor, after all.

Heechul leers at him every time he walks by, while Siwon's just pleased that Kibum's closer by now. Admittedly, there are distractions right around the corner on Siwon's floor and Kibum does find it a lot harder to get his work done promptly, but hey, it's not like there's anyone around to yell at him.

Donghae chooses that moment to appear at his office, cup in hand. "Hi Kibummie!" he says, pushing the door open without bothering to knock. "I brought you coffee! Did you miss me?"

Kibum rolls his eyes but smiles.

fic started: July 1, 2009
fic finished: July 1, 2009

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sj: kibum pov, sj: kihae, au: office, !fandom: super junior, category: slash, au

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