Harry Potter: The Way We Are

Jul 06, 2008 17:53

Title: The Way We Are
Author: papered
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 589
Summary: Three reasons why Harry Potter loves Draco Malfoy.


Harry smiled fondly as he picked out the top of his boyfriend’s blond head over at the Slytherin table. Said blond head turned, as if feeling his gaze. A moment later, Draco came stomping over to the Gryffindor’s side of the Great Hall.

"Move over, Potter," he demanded crossly, a frown on his face.

Knowing that Draco was far from a morning person, Harry indulgently shifted over, squashing Ron in the process.

"Goyle was hogging all the donuts, so I’ve come over to eat yours," Draco informed him gravely.

Seamus sniggered. "You like donuts?"

Draco turned his aristocratic nose up with a huff. "I’ll have you know that donuts are perfectly refined food choices, you plebian." He sniffed disdainfully before turning back to the chocolate donut Harry had just been about to eat.

"And what am I supposed to eat?" Harry asked in amusement.

Draco looked at him as if the answer was obvious. "You can eat Weasley’s donuts, of course. He can starve - I don’t need him for sex."

Ron choked.

Draco put his blond head on Harry's shoulder and began munching on his newly acquired donut.


Draco’s face was flushed with anger as he gave Cornelius Fudge a piece of his mind.

He didn’t yell, or raise his voice in any way, for that matter. But his reprimand was no less effective. As Harry watched, Fudge’s hands started shaking with nervousness. His bowler’s hat was balanced precariously on his trembling head, and looked as if it might fall off any moment.

And Draco. Merlin, Draco could be ferocious when he wanted to. His every word had the impact of a knife dipped in poison, and his flushed features only made him seem all the more handsome to Harry.

After Draco had deemed that Fudge had sufficiently wet himself, he grabbed Harry by the arm and Apparated them back to their London flat.

"Can you believe the nerve of that man? Saying what he did about us in the Prophet? I’ll have my lawyer sue him for this - we’ll have a new Minister before the month is out. And we can sue the Prophet for public slander too, just for good measure. And Rita Skeeter too - " Taking in the glazed expression, Draco stopped his tirade long enough to glare at Harry. "Are you listening to me, Potter?"

Harry grinned and pressed his lips to the blond’s, shutting Draco up in the best way he knew how.


"There’s Coke in the fridge!" Harry exclaimed in surprise, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Twenty shiny red cans neatly lined the last section of the mini-fridge.

Draco followed him into the kitchen, blond hair mussed from sleep and a frown on his face. "We’ve established that, Potter."

"But there’s Coke in the fridge!" Harry insisted, excited. "Where did they come from? I forgot to get some when we went shopping last week."

"I got some yesterday." Draco yawned. "And they were heavy too," he grumbled. "I had to do manual labour, Potter. It’s all your fault."

"But it’s Coke!"


"You hate Coke!"

"I do," his boyfriend helpfully agreed.

"Why’d you buy them then?"

Draco looked at him as if he was daft. "Because you like it, of course."


Rolling his eyes, his boyfriend yawned again. "I’m going to take a shower now. I expect you to join me in the next two minutes, Potter."

With that, the blond plodded out of the room, leaving behind Harry who had a silly grin on his face.

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hp: post-hogwarts, !fandom: harry potter, hp: draco malfoy/harry potter, hp: harry pov, hp: seventh year, category: slash

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