Harry Potter: There's Intoxication In The Air

Feb 15, 2008 19:32

Title: There's Intoxication In The Air
Author: papered
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 317
Summary: Draco hates Paris. Which, of course, means that Hermione would choose that very location for their holiday destination.
Notes: Written for the St. Valentine's Day 7 Kisses Challenge; day 5: french kiss

Draco hates Paris.

Which, of course, means that Hermione would choose that very location for their holiday destination.

He's not sure exactly what it is, but ever since he'd been a child, he'd hated the city with its towering buildings and noisy tourists who grated on his nerves. Paris reminds him of Muggle London, where he's lost in the bustling streets and his ignorance - not that Draco's ignorant of Paris, of course. In fact, he'd practically grown up there, and with the sheer amount of distant relatives he has in France, French is almost like his first language. But no matter how much he knows of the culture, it always feels foreign to him.

It's the people too, of course. The cousin twice removed on his father's side of the family is the most infuriatingly vain person Draco has ever had the displeasure of meeting - and the last time they'd met, Jacques had had the guts to claim that he could hear Draco's English accent, which was completely ridiculous since Draco knows that his French is completely flawless. It's unfortunate that Lucius had always been particularly close to Jacques' father, and Draco had suffered a disgustingly large portion of his childhood in Paris in the git's presence.

And finally, there are the small details that make him want to scream. Where rainy days in London are refreshingly cool, Paris rain covers the city like a layer of fog that refuses to disappate. The gardens of Malfoy Manor has always been gorgeously wild and uncontrolled, compared the plants at Jacques' home which are more artistic statues than anything else. Where London feels like home, Paris is anything but. There's a million little things Draco can go on about forever.

As he pulls Hermione towards him though, pressing a kiss to her lips under the stars spread out over Eiffle Tower, Draco muses that perhaps Paris deserves more credit after all.

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category: het, hp: post-hogwarts, !fandom: harry potter, hp: draco pov, #prompts: dramionedrabble, hp: draco malfoy/hermione granger

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