Harry Potter: Make Us Immortal With A Kiss

Feb 15, 2008 01:06

Title: Make Us Immortal With A Kiss
Author: papered
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 456
Summary: Hermione prefers to verbalize things - but to Draco, her gestures speak as loudly as her words.
Notes: Written for the St. Valentine's Day 7 Kisses Challenge; day 2: playful kiss

"Bloody hell, Weasley! Let me down!"

No, he didn't want to be taken to the Hospital Wing so that he could be prodded and fussed over by everyone from the Weasley matriarch to Harry Potter himself (although he suspected the latter would involve more teasing than anything else).

"Sorry, no can do, Draco!" Fred said cheerfully as he happily levitated the blond through the hallways. "You know that as soon as I let you go, you'll start running in the other direction - never mind that you've probably got a broken leg and a concussion."

Okay, so he was being taken anyway. But that didn't mean he had to give in gracefully. For a second, Draco wondered if he could somehow kick the redhead in groin without hurting himself (his left foot was placed so conveniently right there), but then decided that suffering any kind of pain for a Weasley just wasn't worth the trouble.

Ten minutes and a check up later, Madam Pomfrey declared that he needed to be kept overnight just in case. Draco groaned and buried his face in his hands.

And that was how Hermione found him as she raced into the wing a few minutes later.

"Draco! Are you alright?"

He barely had time to nod before the questions continued.

"Where are you hurt? Do you have a headache? Oh, I was so worried, but I couldn't get here right away because I was in the middle of teaching and I couldn't find anyone to take over my class and -"

George sniggered at her tirade.

Which turned out to be a mistake for the redhead, as Hermione quickly rounded on him. "And don't you be so unsympathetic, George Weasley! You and Fred and Ron always give Draco such a hard time when he's hurt - when are you going to grow up? It's not like he asked to be injured! And it's hardly his fault that Quidditch is such a dangerous sport, how would you feel if -"

When Hermione got like this, Draco knew from experience that there was only one way to shut her up. Not giving her a chance to continue, he reached out to wrap his arms around her waist -

- and with a tug, pulled her off-balance and onto the bed on top of him.

Hermione gave a surprised shriek, but before she could say more, he'd covered her lips with his own.

Really, Draco thought fondly, Hermione was always so quick with her tongue - quick to explain and quick to defend, as if she felt that without her words, her gestures alone weren't enough to express what she felt. Which is completely absurd, really.

Because the feel of her lips beneath his is gesture enough for Draco.

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category: het, hp: post-hogwarts, !fandom: harry potter, hp: draco pov, #prompts: dramionedrabble, hp: draco malfoy/hermione granger

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