Jun 03, 2004 19:55
So I'm bikimg home after work, about halfway home when I come upon a jump/curve I usually take as a shortcut. This shortcut happens to be in the path of a drive-thru, but I had never had any problems before. Dumbass me takes the jump, then gets ready for the turn, only this time there's a car headed my way. I slam the brakes, with the thought "God I hope I dont mess up his car" in my head. I end up endoing (nosediving) at which point I instinctively put out my hands and push off his hood, in essence doing a fancy roll-over-the-hood move, straight out of an action flick. I end up on my back on the other side of his car amazed I didn't get hurt. So I get up and I see its a gansta' type, so I'm expecting a confrontation as I walk to his window. But all he does is ask if I'm all right and if my bike is ok. I assure him all is well, and we shake hands and go our opposite ways. Leaving him and everyone eating in the patio in total shock that i didn't get hurt. All I received was a road rash on my arm and a tiny chip of plastic coming off my bike.
moral of the story.......
wear a helmet and don't be a moron.
that and i feel like a bad ass cause i escaped death with my cat-like reflexes.
but seriously, im fucking lucky all i got was a scrape.
especially to the dude who was driving.