oo2 (video + action) ♓ W)(ale, you know t)(e old formullet

Dec 06, 2011 10:39

Um. Hi?

[ The camera is shooting at an odd angle, rather sideways, so that Feferi's nervously smiling face is a little crooked. The fact that her knee is apparently trapped underneath her chin sort of helps with the whole crookedness thing. She is speaking in a whisper. ] I reely hope I'm not bothering anyone, but if anybody's near the library, could they come kelp me out, I'm sort of -

[ The image turns, showing rows of shelves at a rather smaller scale than what one would be used to. ]

Gigantic and stuck and I don't know how it happened.

[ Feferi is now somewhere around twelve feet tall and wedged between two bookshelves in the corner, head at an awkward angle between the top of a shelf and the ceiling. A book, slightly smaller than her hand, is now visible resting against her cheek. She offers another smile. Just a little more panicked. ] I'm reely saury, this is so embassrassing, but I'm on my bream ends here, and I've been stuck for ages.

✗ feferi peixes

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