Who: Loki and Lightning
What: The two share information about each other's worlds.
Where: Library
When: After their first meeting during the Silent Hill week, and deciding to meet sometime when things settled down in the city.
Rating: G.
Mostly, it was her curiosity that led her to actually agree to meet up with Loki. Lightning was genuinely interested in what world he came from, since it seemed so different from her own.Odin to her clearly was not the same as the Odin to him. Her world was all she's ever known, logically, but the prospect of something different did really intrigue her.
That, and really. What else was there to do here, now that the monsters were gone? She sure as hell wasn't going to just sit around and stare at the ceiling all day... Besides, even for someone who tired to avoid human conversations most of the time, this one seemed like it'd be worthwhile.
Of course, she remembered that it was he who wanted to learn about her world, and not the opposite way around. But just agreeing to do all the taking hardly seemed like an equal exchange to her.
Light came to the library, as agreed on in the texts they exchanged, and she sauntered over to the empty, but spacious reading area, throwing a gaze around. As she waited, musing over how the hell she was even marginally going to manage to explain where she came from, or in fact, if she could pepper him with questions in order to avoid being questioned, her fingers absentmindedly drummed the end of her gunblade, safe in its holster.