Who: Greed | OPEN
What: Greed get his hole of a bar open. It's not much and the selection is small, but any and all are welcome.
Where: The Devil's Nest | South Side of Town
When: Late Afternoon/Evening | June 11th
Rating: R for now - probably language,.
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The mystery and the shadows were Javert's safeguard; he was a man that operated by the light of the moon as well as he could improvise in daylight. In this case, he had the distinct impression he was making a bargain with the Devil himself, and he intended to combat shadows with shadows. If he kept his reasons and his aims close to the breast, then it would be one less thing for this Greedy monster to anticipate.
"Now!" Javert exhaled, the last plume of smoke slipping through his pursed lips. He bent around Greed and crushed the butt of his cigarette in the ashtray he left on the table lip. He grasped Naomi by the back of her blouse and took several long, lazy steps backwards. He pulled her gently toward the bar with him, right where she had left his lonely, forgotten hat on the counter. "Madame Naomi is spent. I don't wish to spend my morning holding her hair for her. She may keep her stomach contents, rather."
Javert scooped up his hat and fitted it back on his head. He glanced away from Greed just long enough to cast another once-over on his wife, then he unceremoniously hoisted Naomi over his shoulder. A slight smoothing of his coat here, a readjustment of his tilted brim there, and he shouldered his way through the swiftly-draining bar toward the exit.
Along the way he rubbed arms with Greed, his prize catch, the viper subordinate to the wolf. He paused only once in the middle of the doorframe, turning fully around to sweep his steely eyes around the bar. It was the look of a new foreman familiarizing himself with his factory. He fixed a falcon eye on Greed and gave him a sly, slow, almost mocking tip of his hat.
It can be perceived with that look that Javert had taken notes that night. He would not soon forget any of the details he memorized at Greed's establishment.
"You will see more of me shortly. Your health, Greed. Watch for my signal."
With that, the unique couple dissolved into the night, Naomi's fading giggles tinkling like out-of-tune bells behind them.
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