Operation Mini-Fridge was a complete and utter success. Jess and I now know the Baggage Claim of Seattle Tacoma International Airport like the backs of our hands. So there's that. Oh, and yes, Megan was mass happy to see us. Yay.
It's one o'clock. and I wish Days of Our Lives was on. Yes. Yes, I do.
*let's throw an EDIT in here*
+I really like that new M. Night Shyamalan American Express Commercial. I like it. A lot. It made me smile inquisitivly because I had no idea what was going on at first. Thanks AE, you rock at marketing.
+So I'm watching Gladiator on mute and listening to Death Cab. This is one of the only Russell Crow flicks I enjoy watching. Joaquin Phoenix, on the other hand, I dig his flicks all the time.
+I wish I knew how to disable this ridiculous AOL pop-up that keeps just hanging out in my lower righthand screen. Hmmm. Oh well.
-Tomorrow. I don't know.
+I read more today, that was nice. Watched some Jaws. Some Ghost. Some Real World. You know, mindless.
+I love how up-to-date Western is with their universal login page. All of a sudden, the very MOMENT we leave for break, they switch up the beautiful snowy winter picture and put forth a gorgeous representation of spring in Bellingham on the page. Awwww Spring. How pleased I am with thee, so far.
+-My GPA is dropping. Oh well. Dad's worried. I don't get financial aid, Dad, so I'm not entirely worried about losing that which I do not have. Sorry.
-This quarter was hard, I've decided. Hard on my brain in different ways than at first noticed.
+It's nice to sit around and do nothing and have it not be because I'm hardxcore procrastinating. I don't have anything that I really SHOULD be doing, do I? No. So, sorry if I seem lazy, that's just how this break is going to be, thanks.
You're such a dick, Joaquin. Get out of Rome. We don't want you here. Your eyes are swollen and hollow and you look dead already. Oh snap.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?