Mar 14, 2006 00:32
Finals are kind of lame. Actually, they're REALLY lame and I'm getting sick of them. But, at least Monday is over. I can't even talk about how happy I am that Monday is over. My anthro final went alright I guess. I went to the study/review session with Sally before the test this morning. And that definitely helped, like hardxcore. I'm glad I went. Ohhh gosh. Glad. So, I'm not quite sure how I did on that exam, but I feel the most confident about it than I have on a test in a while. I hope that sentence made sense, I'm not about to go back and edit it.
Statistics...well, let's see. First of all, that stupid fuck of a Spencer kid with a severe cheating problem sat right next to me. UGH. I can't believe that stupid fucker is actually in college. And GOD my professor is SO blind that he doesn't even NOTICE when Spencer's head is practically hovering above my paper!!!! Seriously, MEEKER? you're a dick. and I hope you read my personalized Teacher Eval because, no joke, I talk about how impersonal, disorganized, and SHITTY as a teacher in general you are. I can't stand it. Honestly. Ugh, you sicken me.
But, in regards to the actual EXAM? I'll be lucky if I get a 75%. Shit. Agghhh. Arrrggghhh, matey! Mend the sails, pull the lines, swab the deck! (thats enough)
So those two are out of the way. And I have PoliSci with Jess on Wednesday. I'm sooo behind in my reading, but I'm hoping that tomorrow, seeing as I have nothing to do, will aid me in my studies. Reading that stupid book is a waste. It's all going in one ear and out the other because seriously, Minharo (prof) is ridiculous when she lectures. Eeeekk. I can't seem to, well, like, comprehend the material completely.
But, I can't say I'm not distracted...
(texts from a boy I know simply cannot be ignored)
that = reason for smiling during the stress and frustration of finals.
Conan O'Brian is amazing. Hardxcore. Hxc...all the wayzzzz.