Title: In the Rough (17/40)
alittleoddishRating: Teen
Characters: Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Charlie
Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Syfy's Alice.
Summary: "But this is starting to sound like a quest! Quests are such a pain, Alice, they really are. All horseback and food rations and traveling in groups and no truly hot tea, with significantly less
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Comments 5
OMG I JUST DIED LOL. I didnt know if I should laugh or get them their privacy.
Why didnt "thank-god-you’re-not-dead-and-we-got-away sex" now happen in the show!?
And dude, if Syfy wasn't aimed to be suitable for a 12-year-old audience, Alice and Hatter would have been boning EVERYWHERE. Lol ^_^ I'm glad you liked the chapter! <3
I laughed at Alice killing the flowers with a frying pan too...Oh Charlie
(BTW, is that a new Hatter/Alice icon!? I LOVE IT, can I steal!? X3)
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