Apr 12, 2009 01:15
so yeah, I haven't really posted here in awhile xD I'm not on the net as much as I use to be though, I get on, check myspace, email, deviantart and then hop on wow for about 30 minutes to do my hodir dailies and cooking/fishing dailies. Now that I got exalted with hodir, I'll start parking myself over in scholozar or whatever and do my oracles rep grind for that damn egg in hopes of a mount (I have all the pets from the egg already, due to guildies being nice and knowing I'm a horribly addicted pet collector. So close to the salt like...SO CLOSE!) and yeah. once in awhile I get on in time to get into a raid, or find one, or get the will power to deal with people enough to start one.
I hate this server... and wish we hadn't transferred here. WTF IS WITH ALL THESE DAMN HEALERS NOT ABLE TO HEAL THEMSELVES!? In any fight where they don't get hurt at all, they're fine, great even. But god forbid they have to keep an eye on their own health. I watched a healer during saph stay down at like 15% of his health before dying. And I see this most often with priests, likely because they're squishy. Oh well.
'side from that, I've pretty much given up on the game. Content is too easy, people are too stupid. Steve gave up for awhile but he's been getting on a lil more often, granted not on our server as of late where a chick plays that he screwed before he and I got back together. So.. a lil uncomfortable with that concept somewhat, I don't mind them being friends and all and talking casually here and there, but it's just kind of uncomfortable for me. God forbid trying to explain that to him though, then I get made out to be the bad guy for thinking anything is wrong with it because it "shows what I think of him." and shit. Meh. Never mind that I'm not suppose to talk to my ex's and it pisses him off when I do on the very very rare occassion. (what can I say, I'm kind of a bitch at times and it's good to throw the fact that I'm happy, and have a job, in Jesse's face while he continues to be jobless and living at his moms on her support).
However, I am excited about Acen a lot. Ed and I have really started talking a lot about it. Fluffy seems... disinterested in most of it, but I'm sure he'll have a good time between all his usual bitching xD He needs to lighten up. Is there meds for aspergers? I should just slip something in his food x.x And then Steve of course is so-so about it, since he's not huge on anime, just likes a few, never been to any type of con really, and is flat-footed so will be foot-sore a lot. So many negative nancys. Lol. But I plan to still have a good time, and I know Ed will too at least. We're driving there and leaving thur night after I get off work (which reminds me, Steff. Can you work that Sat for me and I'll work your monday or something? It'll be sat. may 9th. And when is that friday I'm suppose to be working so you can do fcn? The 24th? I'll assume thats it) I'll also be putting a bit of booze on my tab to pay off with the week afters paycheck. Everclear, Zombie, various pucker flavors that will stay out of steves reach until we get to the con, mcgullicudies and whatever we still have laying around as well.
Fuck... my hearing went out again, now I hear everything like I have thick cotton stuffed all the way through my ear canel. x.x I hate when that happens.
Well... I'm going to go curl up in a ball of warm because it's freezing.