September 3rd, 1984

Apr 03, 2012 16:43

First of all, it feels so weird to not be at school and still be at come come the start of September. SO WEIRD (I mean, I'll miss parts of it but not having to write essays or revise or do any of that anymore? BRILLIANT).

There's always been people around me, everywhere, all the time, and now it's just me and Mum and Dad. I have a room to myself (don't worry, Aggie and Jo, I won't touch your spots). I've never had a room to myself!

That's not all that's changed around here, either. Michael and Emma are engaged (!) but of course you all already knew that... My friends here are happy I'm not being shipped off to school anymore, though I've had to come up with a few creative excuses to explain my time away because YOURS TRULY is now playing QUIDDITCH! Starting Chaser, Cork Saints!

Eeee! I'm so happy I can finally talk about it. I know it's just the minor leagues but I get to play every match and get better and who knows what will happen in the future, you know?

Of course, I've had to find a bit a work at work of the local shops here as well. I can't pay for everything in wizarding money, unfortunately. It's just a few extra hours a week, and the owner's been a friend of Mum's for years so I really don't mind it.

So, yeah! That's about it... I'll miss playing Hogwarts Quidditch this year, but Hufflepuff's in good hands. Half of the starters are back and we had some brilliant reserves who will step up. Kieran, you've got some big shoes to fill as far as Captains go! Again, good luck!
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