I'd been on the phone with AT&T for about an hour when my Jehova's Witness came in. I told the lady on the phone that she could hold while I discussed creation vs evolution, but it was going to be a while. He didn't even seem to notice that I was on the phone, he just started right in
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Some species of animals are monogamous, kinda like people in love... but we know that's just another instinct... I'm sure it's in the bible somewhere.
I can tell you more about brain chemicals than I can about souls. XDDDD
I'm not exclusivily talking about dolphins.... but I don't believe that monogomay is an instinct. I find brain chemistry to be facinating, but not a tell all. I still have "chicken and egg" issues with that whole world of theory. Sure there's a physical chemical "path" we can trace but was that initiated by the action or the driving force behind it?
You're talking to someone who recently lost her mom to a brain malfunction. ;)
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