Wife: Della Bea
Children: Ray Charles leaves a Legacy of 12 Children, 18 Grandchildren & One Greatgrandchild:
Evelyn Robinson
Ray Charles Robinson Jr.
David Robinson. Sr.
Rev. Robert Robinson, Sr.
Charles Hendrix
Raenee Robinson
Sheila Robinson
Reatha Butler
Alexandra Bertrand
Vincent Kotchounian
Robyn Moffett
Corey Robinson DenBok
"I knew being blind was suddenly an aid. I never learned to stop at the skin. If I looked at a man or a woman, I wanted to see inside. Being distracted by shading or coloring is stupid. It gets in the way. It's something I just can't see."
He learned to read Braille and to type. He became a skilled basket weaver. He was allowed to develop his great gift of music.
Father:Baily Robinson
*started to perform in clubs professionally at 16
*love to play chess
*stopped writing music in the late 60's
*he has driven a car
*plays the organ, saxophone, and clarinet