Huibing's thoughts:
Coming soon!
L-R: Huibing, Felicia, Patrick & Matt
Band: Huibing & Matt
Rainbow Connection, Hey Delilah, Wishes, Especially for You, Moon River, Kiss Me, New Soul, Que Sara Sara, Pretty world, Dreaming of You, Wishin' & Hopin', 夜来香 (Tuberrose), 可爱的茉莉花 (Lovely Rose), 南屏晚钟 (Evening Bell Tolls of Nanping), 小手拉大手 (My Hand in Yours), 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart), 真情 (True Love), 梅兰梅兰我爱你 (I Love You Plum Orchid), 喜气洋洋 (Happiness All Round), 但愿人长久 (May We be Together Forever), 掌声响起 (Applause), 千言万语 (Endearments), 爱你在心口难开 (Love You More than I can Say),
Compliments from couple:
Greetings from Felicia&Patrick! I know this email is lil' late... but still we didn't forget about you! Here is the photo that we took during our wedding on 26-Nov-10 at Mandarin Oriental... Hope Huibing still remember this wedding :-p
Thank you so much for the performance and every guest praised Huibing's voice and of course the wonderful pianist! We made the right choice by choosing A little Dream! Thumbs up!!
With lots of Love,