Bevlyn's thoughts: A Moment Like This
As shared by Hein, this was their first moment meeting each other:
“We met in Oct 2003 when we both just started work at the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The first day we saw each other was when we both attended the MAS orientation. I was sitting across the room from her with about 20 other newbies. I found it interesting and surprising that there was a pretty girl sitting across the room that found my jokes extremely funny. So right after the orientation talk I made it a point to go talk to her. That was how we met.”
7 years down the road, we were all gathered at their wedding celebration at Shangri-la :). Singing at Hein and Gwen's wedding was my last 'wedding assignment' for the year 2010, and I went to the wedding with a happy feeling. Before I stepped into the ballroom, I see colourful delights greeting me at the reception!
And also a standee of Hein and Gwen, I guess it'd be fun for guests to pose beside the standee; people unaware might mistake the standee for the real deal!
I was thrilled to bump into the official photographer
Gabriel Mendes and the official videographer, Yang from
Substance Films. And check out this funky wedding cake!
Zheng Quan, Mei Sheum and I had a great time performing at Shangri-la, and we also enjoyed the speeches. Hein's youngest sister Hwa put up a surprise photo montage for the couple, and recounted the days of young Hein. But we were especially touched by Hein's speech; he showed the sensitive side of him by giving a long and moving speech about how thankful he is to his mother for bringing him up. We were indeed all very impressed!
Gwen & Bevlyn
Zhengquan & Bevlyn
Congratulations Hein and Gwen, here's wishing you many more wonderful and joyous moments throughout your blissful marriage!
Band: Bevlyn, Zhengquan & Mei Sheum
A Moment Like This (1st March-in), Beautiful in My Eyes, Shakespeare in Love, Love Me, 遇见 (Encounter), 你的名字我的姓氏 (Your Name, My Surname), 约定 (The Promise), Somebody, Lovin' You, I'm Yours, Stick with You, I'll Be There
月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart) (2nd March-in), 甜蜜蜜 (Sweetness), 爱是永恒 (Love is Eternal), When You Tell Me That You Love Me, Amazed, 至少还有你 (There's Still You), I Finally Found Someone, Because You Loved Me, 爱很简单 (Love is Simple), 你最珍贵 (You're Most Precious)