Hsin Yeow's thoughts: Fabulous Weddings and Amazing Memories
In a word: fabulous!
The entire experience of being the official band for the Her World Brides Fabulous Weddings 2007, was all that.
To everyone who dropped by our booth: Thank you so much for your support! We hope we managed to explain adequately what we can do for your wedding. Our apologies to those who did not manage to speak with us because there were too many people crowding our booth.
To the Her World Brides team (especially Shi Min, the superwoman, and Enn, our supportive account manager) : Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, and your unstinting support! We were honoured to be the official band, and look forward to a long and fruitful working relationship.
To Darius (our booth designer), our musicians and friends: Thank you for contributing your time, talent and creativity! We couldn't have done it without all your help.
Now, on to some pictures!
We had a theme colour: lavender. By a stroke of luck, it matched the roses provided by Her World Brides!
As the official band, we were given 15 minutes to perform. We thought we'd be performing on a normal rectangular stage, like the ones at most hotel ballrooms. Thus, when we first entered the ballroom to do sound checks, we were gobsmacked by the twenty-metre long catwalk that extended from the main stage.
I was gripped by waves of feverish excitement and mild panic, and turned to Bevlyn, "You know what this means, don't you? We'll need to strut down this narrow walkway while we're singing!"
I was the first to perform, and man, it was tough singing while sucking in my stomach, I tell you! Look at the size of the crowd!
Band: Bevlyn, Hsin Yeow, Wilson, Ein Ein, Jonathan Lim
L-O-V-E, La Vie En Rose, 我要你的爱 (I Want Your Love), Quando Quando Quando, 你最珍贵 (You're The Most Precious One)
L-R: Bevlyn, Jonathan Lim, Hsin Yeow, Ein Ein, Wilson
Hsin Yeow kicked off the performance with L-O-V-E at this end of the stage. Now you see him...
...now you don't because he'd pranced off to the other end of the catwalk!
Bevlyn 'flirting' musically with Jonathan Lim for 我要你的爱 (I Want Your Love)
L-R: Jonathan Lim, Ein Ein and Wilson.
Our musicians: the 'unsung' heroes!