Right, with the news that
Disney has designed wedding dresses based on their 'princesses' (although Mulan and Pocahontas are excluded, which is fair as Mulan probably would have slashed through the dress with her sword and Pocahontas was raped and then married off as a piece of property, which Disney somehow failed to include in their interpretation), it seems the media has gone a little bonkers, complaining about either infantilism of women or how sexist it is to want to be a princess and how Disney is making money off false promises. GEE, NEWS FLASH, COLOUR ME SHOCKED. /sarcasm
But even though lord knows I'm a hard-bitten cynic with a soft gooey centre, I still don't see a problem with this dress.
They seem like perfectly normal bridal gowns to me, and lordy, cheap at the price. Seriously, the most expensive is $3,500, which is about £1,750. To me, that's not OMG too fucking expensive for your wedding dress, but then I've been telling my dad to save money for my wedding since I was seven. It's going to be huge, fucking expensive, in the winter and my bridesmaids are wearing black and all my friends are going to drink and dance until dawn and then I'm gonna pass out.
I'm also thinking of marrying myself when I hit forty, in case I never meet someone I care to marry before then :) Just so I can have the dress and the party. Um, so that's not that romantic. But fun, nevertheless.