'till i see maryann walk awayyyyyyy

Jan 15, 2010 10:21

Over the holidays, I decided it was time to move beyond crocheting only straight things like scarves and blankets and learned to read a pattern and make things with shape. First there were the bazillion tiny Christmas
stockings mom and I made. Then I branched out into a tiny iPod cozy and a baby hat that went awry. (I still maintain that the pattern was poorly written, it had nothing to do with my skill level!) Now that I've conquered the baby hat and booties, I'm ready to make myself some fingerless mitts, and I'm heading to the yarn store at lunch to find some appropriate (and pretty!) yarn. Yarn is so expensive though, so a question for you knitty/crotchety types - do you have a favorite on-line place for reasonably priced yarn? Also, everyone is getting iPod cozies for their birthdays this year. ;)

I still can't figure out knitting though. Too many needles, yikes.

If I can make it through another fun day of adventures in education here, I'll be hitting the pub/theatre with kachera and friends for Sherlock Holmes. Tomorrow is riding, then a Saturday evening rockband night, and I intend to be lazy for the rest of the blessedly long weekend. (Please don't remind me of the work I'll be bringing home. Ugh.)

I've also booked myself a lovely long weekend at the Oregon coast for my birthday in March. My Sweden trip is on hold until next year, but I still need to get away. I miss having the beach as close as it was in CA, and haven't been since I've been up here. 4 days should help, I think. I want tidepools and sunsets and sand in my shoes, dammit!
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