Permissions Meme

Sep 10, 2008 20:26

-Threadhopping with this character?: Unless marked private in any way, by all means threadhop with him.  You know you want to.

-Hugging this character?: Rofl.  SURE.  You may or may not get cut, though.

-Giving this character a kiss?: W-why.  Uuuum, ask me first, if only to work out the repercussions?

-Punching this character (provided they are given an opportunity to fight back):  Go for it.

-Is there anything YOU DO NOT WANT MENTIONED near this character?: Fourth wall breakage along the lines of "hay you're that fictional crazy guy" is completely fine, since the Joker won't care, but please refrain from stuff like "ROFL BRUCE WAYNE IS TEH BATMAN" and other... big stuff.  Yeah. IF YOU'RE NOT SURE, FEEL FREE TO IM ME ABOUT IT?

-Is there anything you need us to KNOW about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: The Joker doesn't care for the well-being of your characters, likes blowing shit up (though that'll be hard to do on the island), cutting people's faces, and generally gives off not so subtle vibes of being insane.  Other than that, he has no special abilities, unless being psycho counts.

-Fourth wall breakage?  See "Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character".


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