jenna looks so pretty!
wallstreet/fratboys' leader is hott, where is he from??
"no i transcend race" why yes tracy i think you believe you do.
el Generallissimo!! is it sad that i giggle every, EVERY time this is on screen lol
basement guy scared the crap outta me.
lol tracy on roofies.
metrocards?? WTF what are they??
evil!liz laugh, and crazy eyes :)
"i know, some of us are hot" : only when they aren't finishing a 12hour shift.
el generalismo shall live for ever!!!!!!!!!!! FOR EVER!!!!!
those chips again!!!! now with more bull semen.
no, seduction for you is always possible Generallissimo.
oh jenna who did you drug.
"then i will put my mouth on his mouth!!!"
i love how elisa calls liz, "lemon"
no tracy not arthur ashe!!!!!
right, you'd kiss her on the head, weird.
the glasses! sooo hott
omg he took the ruffies!!!! oh that turns so bad!!
i love the english switch up!!! my grandma does that all the time!
awwww latino babies!!!
matt lauer you are everywhere, its weird.
im goggle this mr. hamm. hes a cutie, i think it was the glasses, imma sucker for those emo glasses :/