My brain is a strange place today

May 16, 2011 14:10

Waterstone's sent me a email plugging reduced top sellers and one of them is The Carrie Diaries, a Sex and the City prequel, except I have The Vampire Diaries on the brain just now because it is the season finale tomorrow so somehow this has become Caroline and the gang taking a young Carrie down a peg or two in my head. It's very like a girly version of the Preacher comic where Cassidy (the most ungothic vampire in the history of fictional vampires) meets the Ubergoth vampire in New Orleans and is Highly Unimpressed.

This probably means nothing to 90 % of my flist. As you were :)

ETA: now with awesome ficlet in comments courtesy of the very talented ankaret!

randomness, tv, books

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