More of 5 question meme - 5 answers for Anthrokeight

Jan 22, 2008 13:14

1) If you could get people in the US/ Europe to do one thing to improve the sustainability of their homes, what would you suggest?
The main problem in a lot of cases is that many modern houses are not built with sustainability in mind and aren't designed to minimise heating/cooling or lighting requirements. But for existing homes, everyone can improve their energy efficiency using measures like buying the most energy efficient appliances you can afford when replacing worn-out ones, using low energy light bulbs, and most of all, never leaving things on standby (I am completely anal about this, everything in my flat gets turned off at the wall socket when not in use!). Using renewable energy would be a close second, but not everyone is in a position to invest in a wind turbine or solar water heaters.

2) What was a favorite book of yours as a kid?
William The Outlaw by Richmal Crompton. I was a bit of tomboy and loved climbing trees, making bows and arrows, and building dens in the local woods, and I loved reading about William's antics for inspiration :)

3) Babies (in the future, on your schedule): Maybe, Yes, Notonyourlife?
Oh you are new here, aren't you? ;) Notonyourlife, for many reasons ranging from the logical to the highly emotional. I have never wanted children, ever - I'm not a fan of babies in general, I cope appallingly with disturbed sleep, the idea of being pregnant and giving birth is utterly terrifying, psychobitch genes run in the family and if I gave birth to one, I'd either end up locked up for murder or in a mental institute... Having my heart belong to another adult is scary enough. Having said all that, if I ever grow up and get clucky, there are plenty of children out there in need of a loving home, so I'd foster or adopt older children. But babies, no can't see that ever happening!

4) Fill in the blank: A girl can't live without her _____.
Boots. Boots are my main weakness as far as 'girl' things go, I'm not into handbags, or shoes, but boots, boots are the thing!

5) What has been the thing you have most liked about reading/ writing on stylishly_yours?
I love that it does actually feel like a supportive little community most of the time, and that we actually make connections that people value. Several of the people on my flist that I've never met in the physical world, I connected with via that community, and doing so has exposed me to some new ideas and points of view, and opened up thought-provoking discussions which I wouldn't be without now.

memes, about me

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