Jul 30, 2006 12:09
I can't post pictures 'cos my paid account has expired and i can't get LJ to accept my debit card details to renew it and i don't know why because it worked last year :( And the number of times i attempted to get it to work better not make the bank cancel my card thinking someone was trying to use it fraudulently, 'else I'll be really annoyed, and also very much inconvenienced :( Maybe I should phone the bank and check...
I'm stuck in a major rut at the moment, i can't seem to achieve anything and it's making me really frustrated :( I can't believe over half the year is gone; it's Lammas on Tuesday, the first harvest festival, so I'm supposed to be starting to enjoy the fruits of my years labour, and instead I have naff-all to show for myself. So much for my 2006 revolution :(
Sitting here, staring at this isn't going to help unless i'm working though so I'll take my grumpy self off elsewhere...
Oh, one non-moaning thing to report; watched the recent film of Pride and Prejudice last night, expecting to maybe not enjoy it that much given the BBC version was somewhat definitive, and actually really enjoyed it! Very well done, some cunning little cinematography tricks, and very well acted. And I correctly identified the outside of Pemberley as Chatsworth :) Although, i thought they also filmed on the Roaches (like the BBC version, only *NOT* claiming to be in Derbyshire (my pet peeve with that version, Derbyshire are always trying to make out the Roaches are not in Staffordshire when they clearly are!) only the Peak District) but it seems that they didn't after all...
wheel of the year,