So apparently the universe has decided to apply its steel-toed boots to my ribs once much. I was just getting back on my feet after the unpleasantness of March when another round of unhappy events came rolling through. Seriously, universe, you can stop beating up on me anytime now.
But maybe this explains why I've been drawn to reading Dresden Files fanfiction lately. After all, if someone can manage to make the Dresden-verse into a place of cuteness and comfort, there has to be hope for my life as well, right? Yeah, we'll see....
Anyway, in the meantime, enjoy this tidbit:
Title: We're Just Blowing Through Nap Time, Aren't We
Author: Anonymous
Fandom: Dresden Files (Book Verse)
Genre: Kindergarten!AU/Gen
Pairing: None
Rating: G, (or maybe that should be K for Kid, so don't read if you don't like references to playdoh, snot, tadpoles, vomit, or children)
Summary: " Harry woke muttering from an UNPLEASANT dream about STUPID Marcone and his STUPID silver hair Harry didn't care if it RAN IN HIS FAMILY finger quotes it was still DUMB and since Marcone was STUPID that made him twice as DUMB as the next STUPIDEST thing in the room no matter what room he was in."
Link: Okay, so this comes off the Dresden Files kinkmeme, but it is absolutely sex-free and almost tooth-rottingly sweet and wholesome. It's also an everyone--with the exception of Murphy--is a kid story. Normally this would have me clicking the back button in disgust because I don't particularly like children (in real life or in fiction). But this is wonderfully well-written and hilarious. I'm pretty sure the way child!Harry thinks about Marcone (see above) is also pretty much the way that adult!Harry thinks about him as well, which says something about the maturity of wizarding heroes named Harry.
Just....Marcone breaking out of naptime....Gard's disguise on the bus....Susan (who I also suspect still thinks like that) and her holy water pen....But Murphy as Ms. Murphy the former detective turned teacher may be my favorite part. I just love the way she interacts with the kids, especially child!Harry. So go read it for yourself and enjoy the cuteness and shenanigans.