Something slightly different this time, recs that I want to read (but gotten off other rec lists so they are SAFE quality and guh wise). Goddamn HSC is taking away all my porn time. I need to store up.
Fandom: DCU
Title: Undercover
Author: shrift
Pairing: Superboy/RobinIII ie, Kon/Tim
Note to self: HOOKER!Tim. In a skirt. Against a wall rawr. Fandom: DCU
The Vigor of the Forest
by Weirdness Magnet
Pairing: Tim/Kon/Bart
Note to self: SEX POLLEN THREESOME which I want to revisit since I get the feeling I've recced this before, but damn, sex pollen fic never gets old. Like tentacles. Fandom: DC GEN (as in non-porn and thus sheer crack woobie)
Title: The Case of the Disappearing Felines,
by: Jamjar
Note to self: The cute kittens of doom. Fandom: Hornblower (since it's back on tv baby)
Title: The Gambler,
Author: Khaleesian
Pairing: Horatio/Bush
Note to self: A slash rewriting of the events of the last two chapters of Lt. Hornblower/the first part of Loyalty. A perfect blend of book and movie verse and clear evidence of exactly how close to the surface the slashiness is. Title: Inamorata,
by Cortese
Pairing: Horatio/Archie.
Note to self: --NC-17, Established relationship fic set during the beginning of Mutiny. A wonderful look at an established relationship under severe stress and the way Horatio and Archie perfectly balance each other and are each out of step if they are alone. You can tell I like my slash to be set in canon, unless it's wildly AU, I like them better if they play directly on the characters. Hee.
Fandom: BTVS
Title: Phrase and Fable,
by: Dodyskin
Pairing: Spike/Xander,
Note to self: very very far from the usual, proof that *any* pairing can work: And so they begin the inexorable slide from subtext to tub sex. Fandom: Master and Commander
M&C Fic Parody
by: peak_in_darien
Note to Self: "After a night of hot buggery, I always like to have a lengthy discussion about naval law." Fandom: The Charioteer (for when I finally read it)
Title: Sea Change
by argyleheir
Note to self: Omg read this book already. Fandom: HP (god it's hard to read in thiss anymore, new things that are good are hard to come by)
Title: Fly-fishing for Beginners,
by Jay Tryfanstone.
Pairing: Harry/Snape,
Note to Self: R. Apparantly sly and witty and self-referential. I hold my reservations for this description until I read it. The 'documentaries' on Kingdom of Heaven amuse me because OMGWTF, so very very FAR from history and truth.