In a fit of photo upload with speeds unknown to Alita before...

Oct 09, 2005 11:29


Ugh, I can't be arsed making these smaller, so you'll just have to deal with the size.

Me and my automail before it got melted off. It looked so cool too...

Posing, my wig looks entirely fake.

Me and another FMA cosplayer namely Hawkeye. I fondled her Roy plushie and her Black Hayate dog.

Bishie Hunter Kate and her sexy maid friend.

Wild Bishie Chris and that hot Squall cosplayer in the background,

The chase.

Aforespoken incredibly pretty FF cosplayers. They are o very very good together.

And their emo but equally good looking friend.

Another FF group who weren't as goodlooking, but they had crazy antics. Chris jumped in too because he's an attention whore *grin*

And THE SCHOOL GIRL (who made me double take)

Go on to next post.

convention, animania, rl

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