More recs while I'm on my movie binge.

Aug 23, 2005 23:51

ONE DOLLAR MOVIE NIGHT. I live for these now. Looking forward to Charlie + coco factory.

I got Grudge Two. Which I recommend based on sheer OMG WTF LOL factor. When you see it, you'll be like HAH and be mildly disgusted. DEMON BABY! I like the Japanese Grudge a lot since it's so cyclical, how the characters' stories merge onto one another so seamlessly and it remains scary even if all that's happening is a door opening, very slowly. Jazzo, you should watch this one. Not only does it have a japanese chick who looks kinda like Violet (except more asian) it's also going to make you shit your pants and stare at every stain in the house. Go rent.

I also got STAGE BEAUTY which I thought was very pretty and charming, and I would be totally won over if Claire Danes didn't give me cooties. Basically its about actors in the 1600s putting on plays, about the transition from males playing females to females playing females. There is hot, but unhealthy slash in it, charming if (at least for me)icky het, (but only because of CD). It's done by Richard Eyre who has a huge boner for Shakespeare, so there's a lot of Othello in the movie, but Eyre does his thing very well, and the interpretation is good, and Rupert Everett just rocks the cock. It gives a very good feel for the influence of historical context on plays, and the hypocrisy inherent in the stage system. personally I love the fact that Shakespeare intended for it to be boys playing girls, playing boys. "It is only because the woman is there to act as a contrast to the man that the man could be real." And it's also funny. Go see it if Claire Danes doesn't give you the heeby jeebies.

And others including:

Spaceballs: Finally got to see this one. Laughed, enjoyed, Mel Brooks is a genius.
The Italian Job: got lured by the cast, haven't actually seen to review.
The Bunker: JACK DAVENPORT IN THE ARMY *nose flare*. Two hours of GUH coming up.

And now some follow up recs:

Remember that Sir Gawain and the Green Knight fic I recced before?

Hidden Favours By irisbleu
It's now got a short sequal of morning afterness which I thought was equally sweet, or perhaps I just love Gawain and his knight too much. In any case, read The Depth of Dreams

American Gods's fic by xylodemon
Jacquel x Ibis
I haven't seen much of this fandom around, and I like this one for the character correctness, and the translated feel of the book (also with random porn!). It just seems... right somehow.

Some crack:
The Crack Crossover Challenge HERE:
I'm a total whore for fun crossovers.

Cuff ‘Em, Vamp ‘Em, or Just Make ‘Em Come Already Kink and Cliché Multi-Fandom Challenge HERE:

And now I sleep.

gaiman, recs, reviews, green_knight, crack

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