Still incepted.

Apr 24, 2011 19:52

I watched inception for the 5th time today and obviously went trawling for fic immediately afterwards here on the home-away-from-home.

It's weird how this fandom makes me want really plotty fics and not even want the porn to go with it.


Has there been the story about Dom succeeding to stop Mal from killing herself and then has to go in and Re-Incept her? What exactly does re-incepting entail? And of course he manages to get the same team together etc.

Or the one where Robert Fischer managed to break apart his father's Empire, and created an Empire of his own, a conglomerate so powerful someone is desperate to get inside his head and steal his secrets again to bring him down or un-incept him. I really want to know what happens to the next poor bugger who tries to get inside his head.

It's pretty sad when I look at the word count of fics and dismiss them if they're under 10,000 words under the flag of NOT ENOUGH PLOT.

Unless it's EamesxArthur porn. Always place for more porn.

Need more awesome inception recs guys!

fandom discussion, inception

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