More Recs because I've been reading waaaaaaaay too much Trek.

May 26, 2009 23:58

NEW ICON! Courtesy of sparkly_stuff and my bbs at ontd_startrek *wipes tear*. It still makes me laugh.

Links and Recs because by now I realise I'm a hopeless case:

Gambit on a Motorcycle because I know what's good for your health.

Star Trek is like a black hole, I can't escape!!! SEND SEXY HELP!

A Formal Dance In The Bowling Alley by loneraven, Star Trek, GEN, Sometimes I wonder how I could concieveably get as awesomely and quickly attached to the crew of the Enterprise as I have, and this fic pretty much says it all. I love fics that make me go, yay, TEAM!

Learning to Fly by penknife, Star Trek, GEN,
Kirk: two lives that both lead to the Enterprise. Sharp and bittersweet and a fantastic comparison of two men in counterpoint.

When The Levee Breaks, Star Trek, K/S, NC-17, Even Spock has limits. I hereby declare this fic, delicious.

But I still want more Kink Meme Gold! Kirk/Spock Sleep sex! by vellum, NC-17, So hot I nearly blacked out.

Don't Accept A Ride From James T. Kirk. Walk. by ethrosdemon, Star Trek, Kirk/McCoy, R, This was the fic that made me ship Kirk McCoy, because of every single relationship Jim has in the universe, his and McCoy's is the only one where sex is one of the lesser important things in their relationship. Sardonically Funny and spot on characterisation. I love it to bits.

Space Twitter, Star Trek, K/S, I find posts using the twitter style funnier than anything on Twitter itself. If Kirk lived in our day and age he would be the king of 4chan.

Other Trek recs can be found here Apparantly, of the old TOS variety since I believe Arleh wanted some pon farr. Who can say no to emotive, endurance trial, marathon sex?

Also this is awesome and made me choke:

image Click to view

And this made me lol because it's TRUE It's not like Edward loves Bella, he just wants to eat her.


Now, As Before, by etherati Watchmen, Rorschach/Daniel, R for really really dark themes. When I say dark, I mean, fear soaked, nightmares in the night, dark.
Why: This fic BLEW MY MIND. I was initially hook because the premise was, Rorschach and Daniel, living through the Zombie Apocalypse. Anyone who knows me will gather that as much as the walking dead are my deepest horror, they are also my truest passion for great fiction because nothing puts more things into clarity than being presented with situations where life is in desperate, possibly unending peril, and so is your morality. I expected something kitschy, along the lines of Rorschach and Dan fight the undead, woo, but this presented the exact opposite, it has the same kind of stirring sense of watching humans descend even further into their own cultural madness that drew me to Watchmen in the first place. And at it's heart are two wonderfully characterised and incredibly fucked up people who need to live in this world, and somehow protect it. Like Watchmen, this didn't pull any punches, and the tension it wracks up sends the reader on such a journey of turmoil and horror I cannot help but appreciate the skill in sustaining it for 12 incredible chapters. If you like Watchmen and zombies, you really need to read this.

watchmen, recs, fandom, misc, star trek, xmen

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