Happy new year Everyone!

Jan 03, 2009 20:06

Yikes, I haven't posted for a while, and I feel guilty since everyone else has been making an effort since Uni has finished to practically spam the flist with their thoughts and doings.

Anyways I had possibly the BEST and the worst New Years Ever.

I went down to Melbourne for three days for SENSATION, the white party brought to Australia finally from Amsterdam. I've been excited for it for ages, though skeptical, since Australian events never seem to be on par with overseas productions. The LAST white party I went to was a major let down since it wasn't filled to capacity and the white only rule wasn't enforced (also a lot of the people I went with thought all white was as lame as anything D:, spoil sports).

At Sensation though, it was everything I wanted and more. 45,000 people in Telstra Dome in a SEA of white, with the loudest, most pounding music ever, with what looked like the tree of life in the centre with acrobats and fire and water and lasers. You can't really express how awesome it is without being there. I had the time of my LIFE.

Of course then it finished, and I had the WORST post-event hangover EVER. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat since my jaw hurt like a mofo, rolling nausea etc. And now I'm back in Sydney and my immune system has given up and died so now I'm sick with ze flu on top of that.

Still, worth it. It was amazing to share New Years with my friends like that and 45,000 strangers. I danced my little heart out. It was the hardest I have ever partied IN MY LIFE.

Now, I definitely need a break and to get back to RL with the nerdy sort of determined mentality that might make me successful (or not).

Happy New Year Everyone!

*puts on a pair of shades*


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