Good day.

Aug 07, 2007 21:50

I had a GOOD DAY, I went out with my Mollini shoes which were so adorable I forget how painful they really are to walk in.

I had a guy come up to me, a total stranger, telling me that I "looked good today", which uplifted me, despite my puzzlement as to who this dude was, and what exactly was he comparing my relative attractiveness today to, seeing as we've never met. Unless he is stalking me. Hm.

I now also have 300 BABEH. Time to gather my drool bucket and extra underwear.

Around fandom:

I have seen, many, MANY things. But few are as hilarious as Filipino prisoners dancing to Thriller. Now thats ONE helluva way to spend that time in jail.

For those of you moving over to new accounts due to LJ Madness, brown_betty has discovered a way to COPY ALL of your existing entries and reposting them to the back up journal. HERE. It works for pretty much all entries, except every 1/50, for some reason.

My own policy for LJ has always been fandom, first, I don't flock (unless for RL reasons), specifically so that those googling for those specific, obscure fandom things (like F17 fics, Tekken slash, varous movie and fandom pimps etc) I myself have spent hours looking for could get here with a few choice keywords. I wish more people's content was google friendly, but I also know for various reasons that is a terrible idea too. Here, in the heart of obsession, the porn comes first :D

In jpopland:

MATSUJUN IS AN ERO TERRORIST. Arashi secret talk Part 1 and Part 2.

Yamada Tarou Ep 4 and 5:

I hate this girl MORE AND MORE. Please die in a ditch.

I also hate the teacher a little because she's bloody useless. She reminds me of some of my teachers who were horrible at imparting any knowledge because they were INSANE. And she is so insane it hurts me. No confidence whatsoever. Maybe its because the actor cannot convey 'anxiety' silently without twitching like a mad rodent. She's like one of those hentai girls who are helpless for the sake of being helpless. It offends me.

I feel that Sho is a little jealous that he is STILL NOT KING. Though he still ardently loves Nino I'm sure.

I'm not even sure WHY he wants Aaron to smile, because I would've just chucked the kid out.

I also don't understand why he isn't angry at his deadbeat father. Or his deadbeat mother, who should be SELLING HER BODY ON THE STREET. Any woman who could birth so many kids has a body of STEEL. It's not like she works at home, she could get a job at a bookstore etc.

Takako's shallowness is also immensely annoying. If she goes after Mimura... I hope he smashes her face in. She isn't cute at all. The conversation in the car between her and Mimura, I can feel the disgust wafting off his body.

Episode 5 was better, JUST BECAUSE Nino is like a hug-monster, violating the Japanese no-touchie rule every other minute by HUGGING THEM. Doesn't he know it's akin to a declaration of love? I sure took it that way, judging from boy-classmate's face. The dude was probably ROCK HARD after that hug.

Still hate Takako. Never has the female love interest been AS horribly shallow and unlikeable.

Mimura is so in love with Tarou, he is sad he did not get a hug. D:

That is all.

LJ CREATOR HAS LEFT LJ. Six Apart fails to Spin!. Things have hit rock bottom guys, ROCK BOTTOM. There is no way 6A is going to get themselves out of the ditch now. Don't leave us Brad! You were the voice of reason and apology! Don't leave us with Them.

youtube, jpop, madness? this is lj!, useful things to know

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