I love trailers for movies that were never made.
One that impressed me heaps was
Titantic Two: The Surface (or find it
here) which just made me laugh and laugh, and also, wish they had made it. Everyone loves a good time travel story, and also, NOT the worse crappy idea they could've come up with. That thing is genius. This has nothing at all to do with that two-year, embarrasing Titanic obsession that had me reading OMGJACKISALIIIIIVE FICs. Uh uh. Look, a girl can dream. I hate Decrapio, but JACK AND ROSE ARE THE THINGS SINKING SHIPS AND ROMANCE IS MADE OF.
For more:
The Ten Best Fake Movie Trailers Of The YearI loved the Shining and West Side Story, and LOL the Ten Commandments, but kudos to the song selection for Must Love Jaws. Comedy gold all around.
And speaking of trailers or video tid-bits.
For those who have ZERO RPG capability, GotWoot has
The Dirge Of Cerberus CG Movies.
Watching them just SHAKES ME WITH AWE at the FFAC-style ability to texture CGI all over again. It's SO GODDAMN PRETTY. I love that Vincent takes a half second to pose EVERY OPPORTUNITY he gets, and my little brother automatically came to the conclusion that Vincent was the BAD GUY based off the fact he watched ALLLLLL the villagers get slaughtered without lifting a finger.
I want to lick Cid's stubble and hump his fluffy jacket to the ground, preferably while it's still wrapped around his waist.
Barret's netshirt continues to strike me dumb and speechless. It's like he doesn't plan on SHOOTING his enemies, but rather picking them up and showing them a GOOD TIME and LOOK, CHECK OUT THESE MANTITTIES IN THIS SHIRT UH UH UH, and then, possibly poke their eyes out.
I have no idea who that random little girl is, but she annoyed me. It's HUGELY hypocritical of me since there are characters with CLOUD's hair and ZACK's hair and let's face it, Aeris's ice cream cones, but when I see a character with EFFORTLESS FLIP BOB I just HATE THEM ON SIGHT. It takes so much work to get a flip bob. And people whose flip bob can survive raging winds, raging mako and raging tentacle statue with wings just hits at my suspension of disbelief like a hammer.
Cloud x Fenrir OTP. I admit to stroking my model of them both lovingly while watching. Though it didn't escape me that our blonde was trying to steal Vincen't thunder in his own show. But Vincent pulled the traditional fake death of emos everywhere and solved that.
Also those Strife Delivery Trucks... WTF have they expanded THAT much? Delivery service by day, ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM 4 EVAH by night?!
It was heaps surreal seeing Vincent in daylight with rainbows and flowers and crap. One of the more mentally bizarre viewing experiences I've ever had. I just wanted to flip his coat over him and tackle him back in the dark since it feels like he would BURST INTO A BALL OF FLAME at any moment.
Gackt is still awesome and hilarious as the only real-person-in-final-fantasy-and-still-manage-to-look-like-an-animated-character. Though it does completely suit him. His one wing looks stupid though.
... I am not going to rewatch this like a mad thing. I'm not. *cross fingers*