For those who say DBZ has no depth or character development let
memlu and
ninjatrauma PROVE YOU WRONG.
And a follow up. Best squee on Canon het ships in DBZ EVER. THIS is why I loved and continue to love this series even going on 10 years down the line. DBZ is GOLDEN. DBZ is otp4lyfe.
More meta:
thefourthvine talks about imaginary fandoms and Epics That Must Not Be Read. This makes me shake my head in shame. I have one imaginary fandom (Tekken Gamers our imaginary TV show about gamers who play Tekken which has so much STUFF for it but out of chronological order liek whoa), and, count them, FIVE epics that must not be read. Black and Grey is standing at 5 parts, ranging from 40-60 pages each, I have a HMC/SA crossover I'm writing for the sole pleasure of ONE PERSON over 30 pages, a Kakairu prison AU = 30pages and counting, Iruka = mysterious jounin fic at 86 pages and Memory Games which I have all planned out, with a STACK of little postage notes stuck on a nail and keep writing but I. Can't. Bear. To Post. Another Chapter (It's a hidden file on my computer. I am that shamed). Yikes.
The POTC:DMC BLOOPER REEL. I Eee'd my head off. "Thanks, dear." Oh Sparrington: One OTP to Rule Them All. *heart*
Since conventions are NO FUN if you don't cosplay I had to do a last minute job since this is my convention-on-a-whim this year. I thought briefly about doing Sasuke, but even THAT is a bit much for one day's notice. And the OTHER easiest cosplay ever is of course, L from Death Note. Went out to buy a grungy white shirt today with
lia_blackstar who somehow managed to lose her car keys while we were out looking for said shirt, only to find she had LEFT IT IN THE IGNITION. I had to buy coat hangers and then we both were EXTREMELY dodgey, twisting this coat hanger while we walked toward her car and grabbing her keys with it in the traditions long established by the Car Thieving Union. Though, this wasn't as suss as when she started talking about some guy fondling Cam's nipples in the middle of ALDI (before she realised she had lost her keys). Clearly we are not meant to spend time in public.
I digress. Tomorrow I'm going to be walking about as L from Death Note (one of many I already predict since there's a REASON why it's the easiest cosplay ever).
Supanova is only $20 at the door. Summer Glau aka River from Firefly is coming, so is the actor who plays Jonathan Kent from Smallville, guy who plays Major Paul Davies from Stargate, and as always, my idol, Richard Taylor from Weta and a whole bunch of horribly tempting merchandise from every fandom imaginable.
Essays? What Essays? So what if it's due in two days and I haven't started. Sleep is For The WEAK.