MOVIE NIGHT is le crap night.

Jul 05, 2006 22:16



Was a huge disappointment. I even tried to keep my expectations of this LOW, and it still managed to completely sink them. I think the DVD extras with Richard from WETA workshop who did the effects was more interesting than the actual MOVIE. Even though I usually go against most critical opinions, I have to say this film WAS kind of dull, the plucky prococious child was annoying and didn't look in any way related to Zeta Jones or Banderas. The chemistry between Banderas and Jones survived... but was kind was failed by the thin plot which was full of thuggery and bad dialouge. Also, it sets up a situation which (I'm actually not sure) where her and Banderas become separated, not in a damsel in distress way, but in a DIVOURCE WAY... which makes me frown because did that term even EXIST in those days? Enough for society NOT to backstab them into the recesses of social exile? The effects WERE good, but like most blockbusters, lacked the heart behind it in CGI cinema. One of my favourite things about older movies (and foreign movies) is that the actors HAD to do the stunts themselves, usually involving situations that were JUST as highly dangerous as the thing they want magicked on screen (due to lack of money). Like X3 it also lacked interesting camera movements (so many wide angle panning shots I felt like I was watching a wildlife special). The gratuitious action scenes were JUST that and due to the script, dialouge and cinematography was churned out dully. I wish this film was better. I do. *huddles The Mask of Zorro to her chest*. Makes me want to watch the previous film though, mostly to revive the love I have for that sizzling tango dance. 2/10


I have to admit, this one worked better than MOST of the recent pixar films, mostly because the Chicken was A) Cute B)Was voiced by JD and C) Had tentacle aliens.

In regards to the tentacles I really REALLY didn't want to think about it for the safesty of my OWN BRAIN but then, WOOSH. THERE IT WAS, and I was doomed to the Special Hell all over again. And the furry troll doll aliens are SO CUTE. In the way that if John Sheppard from SGA ever had a kid with an alien lifeform, you would get THAT. And DODGEBALL. DODGE DUCK DIG DIVE DODGE. I liked it no less than most Pixar, so it was pretty decent, funny at times, touching at times but most of it, as par for course, was inspired by the blatant emotional manipulation of shoving cute animals at you, and in my case, loveable aliens with tentacles. PROBES. SO READY FOR PROBING.

Yes. 7/10


I'm a Jim Carrey fan, he makes me laugh at inopportune times, even though I KNOW he isn't remotely funny half the time. Still, my expectations for this was LOW, so I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this (of course, this may be because I've never seen the original). Jim Carrey as CHER completely cracked me. I laughed and laughed. It was a completely silly movie, and the thefts are simple and uncomplicated or even TRYING to be very smart (Like say, Ocean's 11). It was also sweet and enjoyable, despite the cheesy premise, the blatant remake, with excellent dialouge, weird, awesome costumes, and Alec Baldwin being himself. An easy movie to watch and like. 8/10

I also found a movie with Amanda Tapping and Adrian Paul (from Highlander) called THE VOID which made me rent it because of its omgwtfbbq crack pairing. It is inevitably crack, and like Boa Vs Python, REALLY Sam Carter's version of a Mary Sue (because I KNOW, I JUST KNOW she watched highlander). It's about super colliders, sciency black hole theory, and a blonde super smart women who has the save the world as well as mend her relationship with her super hunky, tall dark and handsome boyfriend. If that isn't Mary Sueish I don't know what IS, the latter making it more of an 'emotional' film than say, David Hewlett's gigantic battling snakes and convenient strippers and whores and good looking blonde ladies. I *facepalm*ed many times during the course of the film. One day Sam and Rodney are GOING to own up to their mary sues. And THEN there should be VOID/BoavsPython crossover where Sam's Mary Sue and Emmett meet andandand. And somewhere lurking in the background, I know Methos is the executive producer working under a stage name and taking his stress out on Duncan's character. You know. Just saying.

Some recs:


Untitled 5 by xblackstatic
Pairing: Sephiroth x Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Why: It's like Long Hard Road all over again, excellent writing, highly addictive, except half the angst and this time, Seph gets to whine his little heart out. It's extremely well writing, just sucks you in and then I find out it's a WIP and I must WEEP TERRIBLY. It borrows from the LHR themes of Cloud's mako enhancements being on par with Sephiroth leading to him becoming the leading General of new Shinra. A mako accident exposing Cloud to polluted mako has caused him to have amnesia of the past 20-30 years of his new life, and revert mentally to his 16 year old self, to Sephiroth's stoic woe. And then the PLOT comes in and slaps them both hard. I love it when cliches manage to be written well, and hell, even if LHR caused me much pain in its angstfest, this captures all the things I loved about it, the riveting sexual tension, the good character insight, well written established relationships and of course, the compelling action plot that makes me quiver and ache for more. I need more WIPs in my life anyway... if only this would UPDATE *stares at the October 2005 last update notice*.
...She's Australian. Omg. Eee.


I'm not much of a Tezuka x Ryoma fan, at all or even much of a POT pairing adamant (though InuixKaidouxTowel is my OT3). Sometimes I think, due to the huge migration of HP fans over to POT has also migrated the pairing wars, which interests me in a purely anthropological way. In anyway, POT is interesting to read because of it's slightly understated style. These boys don't speak much, but LO they have a lot of subtext.

Letters from Echizen by
Characters: Ryoma, Tezuka
Rating: PG
Summary: Did you know that they have Ponta in America, but it's called Fanta and the grape kind is really hard to find? Well, now you do.
Why: I have a secret fondness for letter!stories, especially if they're done well. And this has such perfect tone and characterisation. It makes me want to squish Ryoma until his tennis juices and Ponta comes oozing out. But in a good way. *shifty*


LOOK Tentacle porn from the Bleach fandom! Tentacle!hollow x Byakuya It's not the greatest thing ever... but I am weak. Click if you're curious.


YEAY someone wrote MIRRORMASK FIC. *love*

Flame in your eyes by bantha_fodder
Characters: UnValentine, Helena
Rating: GEN
Why: Because the one character I loved in that movie was Valentine. This is lovely and magical, and Helena isn't annoying at all, and yes, Valentine would make such a bad waiter.

DC/Superman Returns crossover.

Five things... by monkeycrackmary
Summary: At a young age, Tim Drake gets hugged. Five drabbles.

Justice League (toonverse)

Screwed by Te and Shift
Pairing: Green Lantern x The Flash
Rating: NC-17 liek whoa.
Why: I am a gibbering wreck, and my eyebrows are possibly on fire. Because. Guh. Just. Guh. Green Lantern's *ass* and Wally's awesome needy, desperateness. This combination has enough zing to make the world tilt sideways.

wip, recs, xover, pot, misc, dc, reviews, tentacles, ffvii, bleach

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