Wow, meme.

Apr 25, 2006 01:10

I dont usually DO Memes, but this one was fun and amusing.

Put your playlist on shuffle, and answer the following questions with whatever song comes up.

1. How does the world see you? - The Ghosts of Christmas Eve (Well... that's certainly new.)

2. Will I have a happy life? - The River Cruise by Danny Elfman (So, happy, but strangely frightening, full of chocolate I can't touch or drink with people disapproving going mmmmmmmmmmm in the background. If it was the old Willy Wonka movie, my life includes a chicken getting beheaded and a chameleon.)

3. What do my friends think of me? - Uneasy Feelings by Masashi Hamauzu (says it all huh?)

4. Do people secretly lust after me? - For Fruits Basket by Horie Yui. (So, no, I'm too busy attracting animals. Weird animals since this is the alternate version of the real Furuba theme.)

5. How can I make myself happy? - Propagation (...*facepalm* This is my soundclip I made myself it caused me much pain, and this kind of random fate encounter perfectly showcases the dramatic cosmic joke that is my life.)

6. What should I do with my life? - RESPECT! from Onepiece (Be more hardcore feminist?... or become a pirate.)

7. Will I ever have children? - Ashitai no Melody Piste from CCS movie 2 (I interpret this as a NO or DON'T BOTHER since my spawn will be the type to throw themselves off gaping stairwells and kill themselves for pretty boys. I'm saving the world so much here.)

8. What is some good advice for me? - Awakening by Masashi Hamauzu (I get it, stop staying up until the dead are poking up from their graves and stop sleeping in to compensate.)

9. How will I be remembered? - Echo Park by Ran Cabrera (From the lyrics, apparantly as a crazy hobo in the middle of a road at night watching the clouds and cars go past. Pretty accurate.)

10. What's my signature dancing song? - Star Wars main theme, John Williams. ( AND I DO IT JEDI STYLE. BREAK IT DOWN TO THE DARKSIDE WHOOPWHOOPWHOOP)

11. What's my current themesong? - Yuna from Raxephon (Somewhat sad bittersweet whiny woman singing about love and the future. Yikes. The things you learn.)

12. What do others think is my current themesong? - Love Deeper from Samurai Deeper Kyo (Oddly appropriate once again, I SHOULD be more sensitive to people's feelings. *chokes* HAHAHA.)

13. What shall they play at my funeral? - Glaring Dream by Kotani Kinya ie, the Gravitation end song. (YES! I SPENT MOST OF MY LIFE WITH TEH GAY AND BY GOD I WILL END IT AS SUCH. NOTE THIS DOWN FOR WHEN I EVENTUALLY GET RUN OVER BY SOME PRICK IN A VAN *looks at Tara*)

14. What type of men do I like? - Wild Wing Boys by Toshihiko Seki from GW (... *gapes a little* Dead on. Dead on.)

15. How's my love life? The Ghosts of Christmas Eve. (Holy... why does my meme begin and END with this SONG!? So love Life is NONEXISTENT or something out of A CHRISTMAS CAROL with MUPPET SEX OR something PATRICK SWAYZE had a hand in. And SOMEHOW This is how the world also SEES me? As some kind of crackish fluffy all singing, dancing puppet with a tendency to act like its still the 80s and mullets are still IN. Oi.)


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