Someone, somewhere give me something to do.

Dec 03, 2005 19:31

So okay, mighty bored already and I like I promised myself I am going glazed eyed by rewatching all my anime, one by one. Weiss Kruez admittedly, didn't look much for me first time round. The yaoi unlike other series' didn't hit me between the eyes at all, and the weird pop-up females just reinforced the boys' somewhat confused sexuality. Even the assassin aspect didn't do much for me and I'm always ABOUT assassins in any shape way or form, I even watch Hitman on a weekly basis.

So, this time around. Yes. These guys are totally and unambiguously gay. And like lightning, this revelation came to me in the first episode. They work in a flower shop, and yes, those are INDEED TINY BANANAS IN THEIR PLANTS. The big gay lodge? Omi's twinkie pink beanie and THOSE OVERALLS. All of them seem to be magnetically attracted to each other too. I can't think of a single hetero male that answers the door WITH ALL HIS FRIENDS. Most guys (and me) are just too friggin' lazy to get up. But Weiss, hello, any opportunity, they are lumped together like playdough. If only this anime wasn't so bad, I would be into it again. Now Gundam wing... even if nothing overt was in that either, at least it had PLOT. *stares at the pretty* Oh, forgot that Ken had bugnuks. That weapon is a continual source of hilarity. I'm constantly amazed they aren't caught.

On that note, WHERE AND HOW CAN I GET SGA SEASON 2? Is it even finished? *is in withdrawal* I can't wait another three months. I can't. Thank god I'm going to America this month. How much is box set over there?

And now, some SGA recs I've in piling because YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED.

Gen, and slash, behind the cut. I've been at it for a while y'see.

For whom thefourthvine has the THE BEST SUMMARY EVER for.

Title: Flying Blind,by minnow1212
Rating: GEN
Why: Once I really get into a canon I can't help but appreciate the fics that read exactly like an episode with the same kind of depth and easy going interpretation of characters that could go either way and still remain true to themselves. This has plot (Ambigious Aliens full of Questionable Motives from which the team needs to Escape From), and pace and tension and beautiful reflecton of Events, and I loved it completely.

Title: Necessary Things by minnow1212
Rating: GEN but excellent.
Why: McKay POV, gen, rated PG or so. In which McKay's quest for the contents of Kavanagh's iPod leads him into deeper waters than he expected. This fic is just, elegant, well written and wonderfully moving by being true to character and spinning together all the things that make life in the Pegasus Galaxy utterly worth it. Mckay is so in character I practically threw myself at the screen. This is one fic that completely impressed me.

Title: Absurdity Theory by Julad
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Rodney Mckay x Zelenka
Why: The best minds in the universe are stuck quacking. And Rodney finds he is ten times more brilliant when having regular genius sex. Yes. I'm still reading this and I'm totally resting my head on my desk muffling my laughter.

Title: The Secret Life of Scientists by Julad
Rating: R (really, it's all a total glowy blur of yesmorepleasenowkthx for me)
Pairing: Rodney Mckay x Zelenka
Why: Follows the series up to Season one, spoilers galore but in this fandom, it's inevitable. Julad, like she does all things, just SELLS this couple to me, they match in ways that are eeriely almost telepathic yet their snark is just on another level of adorable too. There is science, there is bitching and worrying and greif but it remains light hearted and Rodney sees his therapist a whole lot. Zelenka, darling man that he is, manages the impossible and gives Rodney time. As the title suggests, it's the little scoop of geek life that just rings true for all dorky fans like us.

Title: Day Break by giddygeek
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sheppard x Mckay
Why: It's Stargate Atlantis except filled with Groundhog day crack. Wherein John Sheppard experiences a no good terrible bad day on loop and it's all Rodney's fault. Just as well that it's Punish The Idiots Day.

Title: Background Noise by Miss Pamela
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Rodney, John, Rodney x John
Why: ... *small voice* It's got pretty pictures. Visual aids. Read it in the order of Rodney, then John, then together and go back to the pretty pictures and see Rodney FONDLE HIS ANCIENT TOASTER. I was severly impressed with the sheer background of this, detailing Rodney's geeky exploits and insecurities and John's childhood of crushing expectation, and then gleefully seeing it all come together. Many moments make me laugh and clutch at myself desperately. And best of all, it is one of those fics where the sex is achingly satisfying.

Title: Close Enough by Fabula Rasa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: The almighty Rodney x John
Why: This has the best example of in character banter I HAVE EVER SEEN. I laughed until I cried at Rodney's word vomiting until I choked. “By the way, I’m over getting snubbed by the hot gay guy. Just so you know. I won’t hold it against you.”

“That’s big of you.”

“It’s not like I’m some rampaging homophobe, you know. I mean. . .” he raised his chin and cut his eyes at John with a ridiculous smirk. “I’ll have you know, I am not without some experience myself.”

“McKay. Are you trying to look worldly? Because it just makes you look smug.”

“Smug is my default position. And I am worldly!”

“Oh, really.”
Seriously folks, laughed until I cried. And then I sniffled some more. It's one of the fics I wondered where the happy went, but I didn't love it any less. In fact I may love it more, in a bad, stalkerish kind of way. *clings to fic*

and some crossovers:

SGA/FIREFLY crossover (this is like the crossover I've dreamed about since I was young)
Title: The Big Bang and Everything After by mandysbitch
Rating: PG-13 (or higher if s-m-r-t counts in rating and this is mind boggling)
Pairing: Rodney Mckay x River Tam
Why: One of the best crossovers I've ever read. I LIKE the het, the theory is sound and makes me want to analyse it, I love the interaction, the justification, the characterisation, and all those other big lovely words of recommendation. Rodney... well, he finally meets someone smarter than him.

ANGEL/SGA crossover (and wtfomg it WORKS)
Title: Outward Bound by hth_the_first
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ronon Dek x Gunn
Why: I'd like to point out that I haven't even laid EYES on Ronon yet, and I'm still drooling copiously onto my keyboard reading this fic. It is a wonderful (not plausible, but definitely believeable) crossover that slashes two unlikely characters. I love the philosophy behind Gunn's actions and his analysis of the SGA crew, and yes, the porn makes me have hot flashes at in opportune moments.

sga, recs, firefly, fandom, xover

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