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Name: Laura Denomme
Age: Fourteen years young.
Location: Michigan.
Why are you beautiful: While some may question my physical beauty. I think what makes me beautiful is my ability to love others and myself. Im always looking for opions and what others are thinking and im always trying to have fun. I also am a comic, which is truly what makes me beautiful.
Best Feature: My hair I think, its curly and shiny. =)
What is your dream: For at my funeral no one to be sad, for them to know that I have lived my life to the fullest of my ability and I love each and every one of them even if I didnt show it as much as i should have.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: Yes a boyfriend names Carl, and hes the most wounderful amazing beautiful person ive ever incounterd.
Why should we accept you?: Because I try my hardest to stay active and i vote fairly and i dont judge people just on what they look like, but what they think and feel.
Does your school have an A-List?: Yes,
Would you consider yourself on it?:Im not in it though, not to sound cliche but the girls that would be classified in the A-List are kinda mean, and guys use them to much. I would rather be who i am right now then be in their group.
How did you find about this community? Did someone promote you?: Yes someone posted a comment in my journal saying I should join, So i said what the heck.
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