Oct 22, 2004 18:02
well its been awhile.
im sure no ones upset though. Brian broke up with me on October 13th. He said that he wants to stay friends and talk about the relationship problems we had over letters while he is in Iraq. It upsets me but i really cant do anyhting about it. He promised me the other day he wouldnt talk to naomi again. the reason i had him promise that because well, a couple days before he broke up with me he hung out with naomi. the thing was was, when he came back i found out that he had been writing letters to naomi while he was in Georgia and that she wanted his address, after the situation with josh and naomi ( i always said he liked her and he denied it and after i broke up with him he asked her out) i have been real i dont know suspicious of her. Ever since she met him she tried to fuck things up between us for reasons that i dont know. Anyways then i was like okay so what if they wrote letters then i told him i didnt want him to talk to her anymore, he said " i dont see why its that big of a deal i mean were friends and you never had a problem with us talking before" and i was like whatever i would rather you didnt talk to her anymore. he said okay. then he hangs out with her ALONE. But i didnt know that when he broke up with me. Any of you who know about the other problem keep in mind he didnt know yet but i did. Anyways so i was like alright im single, yunno so i wanted to party, called jaun up and found out Kayla was there and so i talked to her. Told her brian broke up with me adn she already knew. Supposedly brian had never told naomi that he and i had gotten back together before he came back from AIT. Yeah right like were gonna go to a $200 hotel and not be together. right, so i called naomi and started to talk to her about it and then i got hysteric and went to his house to give him back his stuff, and ended up telling him that other thing to. It was hard for me to deal with not being with him anymore so i got upset. Well yeah so i dont know if he has feelings for her, which he says he doesnt (besides she wouldnt put out so they wouldnt last long anyway) but i dont know. Maybe i am jsut insecure yunno cuz of the josh thing and all that but i dont know. But he did tell me that he wouldnt talk to her anymore because he didnt know how important it was to me.
You know what i think, thanks to a lot