Olivia Dunham needs a hug.
I have feelings and thoughts and pictures on the last few episodes of Fringe. Mostly about Olivia. And Peter. And Olivia/Peter.
"She's like me but better."
Olivia, bb,
No one. Period. I cannot stress this more, Olivia dear. What could be better than this glorious perfection?
Oh Olivia, why do I only love you more when you break my heart into tiny shards that wait around until the end of the episode to stab me in the stomach?
And speaking of "She's like me but better," NINA FUCKING SHARP? REALLY? Olivia, do you really have no one else to confide in about your insecurities? Because really, that was the saddest part about that whole scene. I miss the good ole days when Olivia and Nina's conversations consisted of civilian/government cooperation shenanigans as a pretense for lobbing thinly veiled threats at each other. Man, do I miss Rachel and Ella at times like these.
Also, how much do I love that Olivia is stubbornly forcing, with what I'm sure is a shit ton of hair spray, her bangs back? A LOT is the answer. She could be trying to work with them and make them look good, but no -- oh hell no! -- Olivia is having none of that Other Side bullshit looking back at her every time she looks in a mirror. It only makes me love her more.
Before we leave this Olivia portion of my thoughts and feelings post, I wanted to share a quote from something I was reading this weekend that made me think of Olivia. It is from Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. (Yes, I cannot for the life of me escape thoughts/impressions of Olivia no matter what I do/read/watch. Thus is the level of my love for her.)
...that, indeed, was her reward, this haunting, magical sadness which spoke straight to the heart and struck silence; it was the completion of her beauty.
Olivia, believe me when I tell you that the Faux could never dream of possessing this lovely quality that kinda makes you who you are.
Okay, so Peter now.
I have no idea what he's doing. But Jesus, poor Peter needs a damn hug too. When Olivia first got back to Our Side I was going back and forth between feeling bad for Peter and wanting to smack him. Now, it seems, I'm waffling on whether or not I like this new Dark Peter, 'cause honestly, it's sort of hot (but of course killing is baaaaaaaad). I do know that
this ridiculous article is false and I'm pretty sure the writer has not been watching the same Fringe everyone else has.
Luckily, this week we got this. *sigh*
They've been deliciously awkward around each other and super polite which I interpret as them being mature about their bizarre situation. That does not mean they don't kill me every single time they are on screen together.
Last week my heart was constantly on the brink of shattering, but then these two would smile or gaze at one another, and dammit if life wasn't sunshine and roses for a few seconds again. See how cute?
This week? A punch in the heart.
I did seriously love that mind reader guy was perceptive, though. He didn't need to be able to read Olivia's mind to know what question she really needed answered right then.
So basically I feel bad for both Peter and Olivia. They need hugs. Maybe they should just hug each other and be done with it.
Now onto the portion of the thoughts and feelings post which deals with the Faux and that crazy spoiler that everyone on Earth seems to know about (so don't read past the next paragraph if you are a good little girl or boy and are not spoiled).
I have decided that I don't hate Fauxlivia. My initial reaction was to loathe and detest her as she was a threat to my Olivia (She's taken everything from her. How could I not hate her a little?). Don't get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY loyal to Olivia, but I can't ignore the humanity in the Faux and the fact that she is a version of Olivia whom I ADORE. It's all so confusing and while I was talking to
spinkkitty about it, I kept saying "but she's still Olivia and I'm confused and I have so many FEELINGS. *pause, dramatically* "OMG, I bet that's how Peter feels too!" Epiphany. Peter has all my feelings but with the added confusion of sexy times and betrayal thrown in. Poor dear.
And as for that massive spoiler, I really hate it, but I have pretty much gotten past the denial phase and accepted that it will most likely come to pass. I do trust the writers as they have not failed me yet, so if Fauxlivia really is pregnant, then I'm sure it will be AMAZING with the angst and drama and science and whatnot. And for some reason I keep seeing in my head an image of Our Side Olivia having to raise the kid. Dunno why, but it's there and it makes me want to hug her in anticipation of the pain.
Now, talk of this craziness has sparked all kinds of debate with
lint138 and me. There is no question that Peter would try to cross back over to get his kid if indeed the Faux is preggars. He is a good man who would want to raise his kid (Be a better man that your father, anyone?). The question Lint and I had was whether or not he would stay there for the child. To me, the parallels of Peter having to take his son/daughter back to Our Side from Over There just like Walter had to do with him are just too good to pass up. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE PAIN AND ANGST? What the question boils down to really is if you think Peter knows which side he truly belongs on, not, as Sam Weiss said, which Olivia he loves more. I think he knows Our Side is where he belongs, being in love with either Olivia and potential child or not.
Seriously, this show makes my head and my heart hurt.
And on a final note of Fringe theories-that-I-come-up-with-while-in-the-shower, Sam Weiss is Milo Rambaldi, and the Observers are the First People.
Get it, Olivia Dunham.