OMG, why am I watching 'Far and Away'... again?

May 31, 2009 14:35

A few things I've been loving and hating lately.

*** I know it's been a few weeks, but I'm still a little pissed about how most of my shows got fucked up or just plain disappointed me in their finales. Bones gave me rage issues with its bad AU fanfic vibe and fake sex. Speaking of fake sex, House was a bit of a let down as well, though I bought their excuse for imaginary sex better. Actually, if I were honest, the only two finales that didn't disappoint me were TSCC and SPN, though FOX broke my heart in regards to the Connor clan. Oh, and Gossip Girl pretty much rocked. God bless those rich kids and their romance woes.

*** The only word I could use to describe Glee is delightful. I had happy tears in my eyes at the end when Mr. Schuester was watching the kids awesomely sing that old Journey classic. I have no idea what they're going to do with future episodes, but I'll be watching.

*** It's dead on FOX, but how adorable are TSCC's Summer and BAG promoting it in Japan?

Oh Cameron and funny Derek! I miss you.

*** lunar47 made me watch Carnivale. I both curse her and thank her for this. Epic story of the timeless battle of good vs. evil buried somewhere near the surface of the tale of a boy who joins a carnival and an ambitious preacher? All set in 1930s dust bowl America with crazy rich imagery to die for? How in hell could I not love it? Sad that it only ran two short seasons, but it was fantastic from start to finish. I should have a massive post about the show in the coming days.

*** Why Jensen? Why?

I had heard about this movie and finally downloaded it to see what all the fuss was about. What a pile of crap this movie was! That's time I wish I could ask the universe to give me back, 'cause seriously, this movie sucked. The only redeeming quality was Jensen and even he came off as cliche most of the time. The best scene by far was the tampon buying scene where Jensen got to show off his wonderful knack for comedy and timing. The most disturbing scene (besides the way out of place sex scenes) was at the end when Liz Parker's dad and Paul Atreides' mom rode two horses naked on the beach in a commitment ceremony. *shudders*

*** The Venture Brothers is hilarious genius. That is all.

*** Party Down is such a good time! Ron is embarrassing but funny like Michael Scott. Poor Henry is forced to be the grown-up and the heart of the show. Casey makes the best shocked expressions. Roman is a dumbass and I just want to hit him most of the time, but he's funny a lot so I forgive him. My favorite characters and my favorite ship are definitely Constance and Kyle. Kyle is totally Dick Cassablancas but nice and a little dumber. Constance is just... I have no words. Their friendship is fun and funny and very sweet. I'm just waiting for them to get drunk and make out.

*** Been rewatching the first season of True Blood in preparation for the awesome that will be the second season and I'm loving Jason more the second time around. The idiot made me care about him and now I can't help it. Tara continues to be the character that breaks my heart the most and Lafeyette continues to be the character that cracks me up the most. In other TB news, I'm going to need MUCH more Eric this next season. By the looks of the previews, I may just get my wish. :)

*** I broke down and got a twitter: alincal. I found a few of you lovely LJers already, but I'm not good at navigating just yet so let me know if you're on 'cause I'd love to follow you all.

That's it for now. Should have some Carnivale thoughts and graphics up soon.

carnivale, twitter, tv, true blood, tscc

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