alissablue Title: 10 words for 10 prompts.
Rating: From G to NC-17, I guess
Summary: Prompt is
here Disclaimer: Do not own.
A/N: Okay, it just seemed like a lot of fun, so I thought I'd give it a try XD. But, dude, this was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
1. Angst
His own heart broke and shattered, as Reid’s heart stopped.
2. AU
“Who’s this?”
He took a bow.
“Reid Oliver, Prince Luciano.”
3. Crack
“What happened!?!?”
“My favorite character got hit by a train!”
4. Crossover
“Suit up, bro!”
“Say what now? You promised cake, Luke!”
5. First Time
The first time feels so damn right, it scares them.
6. Fluff
“See, Luke? She’s brilliant, like her father.”
“Which one?”
7. Humor
“Oh my God, Reid, it’s huge!”
Reid smirked.
“I know.”
8. Hurt/Comfort
“It hurts, Reid.”
“Want me to fuck it better?”
9. Smut
Those lips never looked better than wrapped around Reid’s cock.
10. UST
Mr. Snyder licks his lips and Reid feels his cock twitch.