Where the hell were you four months ago?

Mar 02, 2005 19:51

"Four months after Mr. Bush won a solid re-election over Senator John Kerry, 63 percent of respondents say the president has different priorities on domestic issues than most Americans. Asked to choose among five domestic issues facing the country, respondents rated Social Security third, behind jobs and health care. And nearly 50 percent said Democrats were more likely to make the right decisions about Social Security, compared with 31 percent who said the same thing about Republicans."

from http://nytimes.com/2005/03/03/politics/03poll.html?hp&ex=1109826000&en=6a64553ea0113e2a&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Well, you've made your bed, and NOW WE ALL HAVE TO LIE IN IT. Thanks a lot. Where are your moral issues now? Huh?

Okay, carry on.
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