(no subject)

May 06, 2004 17:44

well...i dont really got much 2 say. this week seems like its neeeeever gunna end!

jac passed her road test yesterday!!!!! SCORE! im so proud!

2night is the last episode of friends! im sooo sad thats like THE best show of ALL time!

hmm what else? o im going 2 get me and jilly beans stuff 4 a design 4 living quilts 2night! that should be fun. its really cool how were gunna donate them 2 the childrens hospitle. (that spelling doesnt look right)

hmm what else....i still gotta go buy mommy a mothers day present!

i miss ftb SOOOO much! and even though she hates it...i miss her like WOAH! lol hopefully i getta see her this weekend! it totally sux that i cant see her anymore! it was all just a joke! and nobody gets that! and its killing me cause i cant see her! this is just what it was like when i was little and my mom took my bottle away! but god do i miss her!

o and i think i might be getting peirced again soon! :P SCORE!lol

well im off like a prom dress!

person of the day....kevin cause he got a splinter in his tounge! :( poor guy! lol

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