You are finest kind, Punkin, and your folks probably do know that, but right now they're all so wrapped up in their own assorted crap that they're not really seeing anyone but themselves, y'know? You're definitely NOT weird or psycho or bizarre, and I think maybe your sister says things like that because she's envious of you -- envious because to her, your life looks so easy and uncomplicated compared to hers. Or perhaps she's just naturally a douche; some people are. My advice is: don't wear yourself out trying to win her friendship back. As one of my sisters once said about another of my sisters, "Every time I offer her the olive branch, she snatches it out of my hand and shoves it up my butt." Just be polite, and save your pleasant conversation and laughter for people who appreciate it. I know it's hard to cheerfully ignore someone who glares at you and snarls ugly, hateful comments and hurts your feelings, but try it anyway.
Your poor dad really needs someone to talk to, but I don't think it's fair of him to make you that person so often. And I don't think that he realizes what an emotional burden he's putting on you by confiding in you so much. If he unloads on you again and it really upsets you, tell him "Dad, this is something you need to talk to a professional counselor about, like a therapist or a minister/priest/rabbi. I love you and I want to help, but I'm just a kid, and when you tell me this kind of stuff, we both end up miserable. Pick up the phone right now and call an adult who's trained to listen and give advice; it'll make us both feel better." If it's hard to remember all that, write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to him.
I'm a bit surprised that neither of your parents have moved out, and I can see how having them both under one roof, plus your angry, self-absorbed sister, is ratcheting up the stress level big-time! Is there an aunt, grandparents, or any other relative or friend you could stay with temporarily? (And by "friend" I don't mean boyfriend; that way lies a whole 'nuther mess of trouble.)
You're one of the most mature and likeable teenagers I've ever met, and I'd give anything if my nieces were more like you! Please consider yourself hugged and very much loved, by me and by the rest of your online family.
Your poor dad really needs someone to talk to, but I don't think it's fair of him to make you that person so often. And I don't think that he realizes what an emotional burden he's putting on you by confiding in you so much. If he unloads on you again and it really upsets you, tell him "Dad, this is something you need to talk to a professional counselor about, like a therapist or a minister/priest/rabbi. I love you and I want to help, but I'm just a kid, and when you tell me this kind of stuff, we both end up miserable. Pick up the phone right now and call an adult who's trained to listen and give advice; it'll make us both feel better." If it's hard to remember all that, write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to him.
I'm a bit surprised that neither of your parents have moved out, and I can see how having them both under one roof, plus your angry, self-absorbed sister, is ratcheting up the stress level big-time! Is there an aunt, grandparents, or any other relative or friend you could stay with temporarily? (And by "friend" I don't mean boyfriend; that way lies a whole 'nuther mess of trouble.)
You're one of the most mature and likeable teenagers I've ever met, and I'd give anything if my nieces were more like you! Please consider yourself hugged and very much loved, by me and by the rest of your online family.
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