Be prepared for me to really be rotating between extremely bitchy and extremely joyful this week as I get used to a new sleep schedule.
Yes, folks. I'm going to change my 7:30-midnight wake cycle to a 5:30am-10pm wake cycle. This is so that I am able to start writing early in the morning.
Here's hoping *crosses fingers*
scifantasy came up today for dinner and helping me get the computer he got me for Christmas up and running. And it's up and running. I need to fine tune it now, which will take me a few days. So some projects like graphics and stuff will be on hold.
I'm also going to need to find a copy of MS Office, in particular WORD, as all my doc files for my stories are saved in that format. Luckily, the story I'm currently working on, I took the foresight to copy the last chapter into Google docs so i want work on it online :) I'm smart like that.
*yawns* so yeah. I'm not going to be online anymore after 10pm (except for weekends). I realize this is gonna cramp my RP life a bit until I'm used to it, but I really need to do this for my writing.
I'll let you know tomorrow when I get to work how it went.